User:Calthinus/Catholicization of Albania

This page covers the phenomenon of conversion to Catholicism among the previously Orthodox and heretical population of Albania and adjacent regions of some neighboring countries, which occurred in the 12th to 15th centuries. While for the later phenomenon of Islamization under the Ottomans, many individual cases are unknown but overarching trends are thought to be discernible, there are even few records about Albania in the High Middle Ages, so work here can be very speculative. However, there are also some trends here that are proposed by various others (Lala, etc, etc).

Access to historical texts in English via Elsie here :

  • French origin dynasty establishes rule over large swathes of Albania
  • Even before this point there had been flirtations by local Albanian rulers with Catholicism as they were trying to assert their independence from the Byzantines (Kingdom of Arbanon)
  • Although relations between Norman and Angevin rulers and their Albanian vassals were originally rocky, Albanian rulers begin to see these rulers as the protectors and guarantors of their independence as tehy are granted broad autonomies
  • Lala -- eventually the allegiance to this Catholic power as an ally for their autonomy causes an "internalization" of hte allegiance, causing many conversions
  • In the North -- Albanian tribes convert to "resist the Slavs" (me : this sounds super dubious and like some sort of Cahtolic version of Kaleshi but I don't now of any sources criticizing it yet)
  • First areas to become dominantly catholic -- Kruja, Durres. Phenomenon spreads across Northern Albania
  • Conversion of Durres -- major event, Pope travels himself (Lala) to visit as local Orthodox bishop converts along with most of the populace.
  • Western travelers : "Albanians are neither completely Catholic nor completely schismatic". (cited in Elsie)
  • Lala -- coastal "Latin" (Romance-speaking???) population also converts en masse early on.
  • Some local lords remain Orthodox, like the Muzakas; in later periods despite religious differences relations between them and the center of the Albanian kingdom is strong, especially due to common threat of Serbian expansion
  • Catholicization phenomenon extends Southward, skipping some areas : VLora becomes Catholic; Butrint becomes Catholic... (Berat -- has Catholic monuments but no source as of yet...)
  • now heavily Catholic Albania becomes springboard for Catholicization of nearby areas : Catholics start appearing in Prizren, Peja, Skopje...
  • Dushan, Serbian emperor-- conquers most of Albanian lands, begins persecuting Catholics. Irish or English writer at the time reports that Albanian Catholics are yearning for Western help against Serbian Empire, and would instantly rally to support an invading force from a Catholic power
  • Serbian empire -- collapses later and local Albanian rulers reassert control
  • Ottomans -- spread of Catholicism halts (SOURCE PLZ) as Ottomans advance.
  • Skanderbeg -- rallies Catholicism in struggle against Ottomans. However what role exactly it played is unclear; reports of him killing Muslims conflict with Muslim names among his commanders. Was himself Muslim at one point. Bektashis htink he was Bektashi the whole time or "Bektashi in soul". Need more sources. My note: Orthodox also among his allies, such as the Muzakas; find source that says this though.
  • After fall of Skanderbeg -- descendants of families that had spread Catholicism become Muslim as part of timar system, to keep their lands.
  • Some writers theorize that fighting between Orthodox and Catholics in Albania was factor helped Islam spread later. (My OR: peak of ISlamization, i.e. the 17th and 18th centuries, is way too late for this though...)
  • NW Albania, early modern period-- many Catholics are in fact syncretic, stilling practicing elements that are thought to be of pre-Christian pagan origin. Syncretic beliefs especially strong among Catholics include belief in certain monsters, spirits and fairies. Orthodox and Muslims also have practices theorized to be syncretic, especially the Bektashinj.