Callum Rutherford, Born in Cheltenham, May 28th 1990 he was raised in Bishops Cleeve, a Village based in Gloucestershire, England. He is most known for being a uk MC, he has featured on many music videos and cyphers. he is also known for being an actor/director of his own list of Movies and TV series, (2005) he played a small role on the TV Channel, teachers TV the programme looked into the lives of the pupils at Bishops Cleeve Secondary School, it aired on SKY TV, (2006) he released a short movie that got showed at the midlands film festival called Chavs vs Greebos.

After this he gave up acting for a while and got involved with the wrong side of the Law, although he was never sent to prison he has been to court several times for violence & drug offences, he has appeared in the papers many times and had suspended sentences all that have been served now.

Since 2014 he has sorted his life out and has got back into music and acting, (2014) he released a song on iTunes store Called, Remember This Name and has started to release more films, (2015) he released another short movie called mob life which gave him the boost he needed to get back into the filming industry, (2015) he releases a TV Web series called The Terra Show, it focuses on underground musical artists from all backgrounds, it was cancelled midway into series two. (2016) he releases a Documentary Film called The Life of a Leopard Gecko, its received really good feedback, he is looking to do more projects in the future.