User:Calebcleverly/Racial Quotas in Brazil/Bibliography



This is where you will compile the bibliography for your Wikipedia assignment. Add the name and/or notes about what each source covers, then use the "Cite" button to generate the citation for that source.

[1] "Lei de Cotas tem ano decisivo no Congresso" Senado Federal (in Brazilian Portuguese).

  • This is an official press release from the Brazilian Senate. It offers historical and contemporary background on this topic, so it's useful in establishing notability.

[2] Azevedo, Ana Laura Moura dos Santos. "IBGE - Educa | Jovens". IBGE Educa Jovens (in Brazilian Portuguese).

  • This is a racial demographics chart from the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE). It does not go in depth on the racial/ethnic makeup of Brazil, and thus can only be used for adding supporting facts rather than to establish notability.

[3] Lei n. 12.77, de 29 e agosto de 2012

  • This is the federal statute that first established the basic framework for racial quotas in Brazilian higher education. Because this is a primary source, it's useful in establishing notability.

[4] Lei n. 12.990, de 9 de junho de 2014

  • This federal statute stipulates racial quotas in hiring for certain government jobs. Because this is a primary source, it's useful in establishing notability.

[5] "STF aprova cotas raciais por unanimidade" BBC News Brasil (in Brazilian Portuguese).

  • This is a news report from the BBC detailing a ruling from the Supreme Court of Brazil that approved of racial quotas. The BBC is a relatively trusted and balanced news outlet, and thus can be useful in establishing notability.

[6] Assunção, Amanda Vanessa Pereira; Santos, Catarina de Almeida; Nogueira, Danielle Xabrega Pamplona (2018-03-26). "Política de cotas raciais na UnB: um estudo sobre o acesso de negros na universidade durante o período 2004 a 2012". Revista HISTEDBR On-line (in Portuguese).

  • This observational study on the outcomes of racial quotas in Brazil comes from a peer-reviewed academic journal. it is a trustworthy source that details in depth a case study of the effectiveness of racial quotas. Thus, it can be useful in establishing notability.

[7] Peixoto, Adirano de Lemos Alves; Ribeiro, Elisa Maria Barbosa de Amorim; Bastos, Antônio Virgilio Bittencourt; Ramalho, Maria Cecilia Koehne (2016-May-Jul). "Cotas e desempenho acadêmico na UFBA: um estudo a partir dos coeficientes de rendimento" Avaliação: Revista da Avaliação da Educação Superior (Campinas) (in Portuguese).

  • This source is another observational study, published in an academic journal. It details the academic outcomes of students admitted under quotas and those admitted traditionally. This source is limited in its scope, but can provide a supporting role in establishing notability.

[8] Brazil, Cleuci de Oliveira in Pelotas (2017-06-08). "'Race fraud': how a college quota scandal exposed Brazil's historic racial tensions". The Guardian.

  • This news article from the British newspaper The Guardian details some of the problems with self-identification of race in college admissions in Brazil. It is limited in scope and thus should be used in a supporting role rather than as a means of establishing notability.


  1. ^ "Lei de Cotas tem ano decisivo no Congresso". Senado Federal (in Brazilian Portuguese). Retrieved 2022-11-07.
  2. ^ Azevedo, Ana Laura Moura dos Santos. "IBGE - Educa | Jovens". IBGE Educa Jovens (in Brazilian Portuguese). Retrieved 2022-11-08.
  3. ^ Lei nº 12.711, de 29 de agosto de 2012 - Dispõe sobre o ingresso nas universidades federais e nas instituições federais de ensino técnico de nível médio e dá outras providências.». Presidência da República - Casa Civil. 2012-28-08. (In Brazilian Portuguese). Retrieved 2022-11-07.
  4. ^ Lei nº 12.990, de 9 de junho de 2014 - Reserva aos negros 20% (vinte por cento) das vagas oferecidas nos concursos públicos para provimento de cargos efetivos e empregos públicos no âmbito da administração pública federal, das autarquias, das fundações públicas, das empresas públicas e das sociedades de economia mista controladas pela União.». Presidência da República - Casa Civil. 9 de junho de 2014. (In Brazilian Portuguese) Retrieved 2022-11-07
  5. ^ "STF aprova cotas raciais por unanimidade". BBC News Brasil (in Brazilian Portuguese). 2012-04-26. Retrieved 2022-11-08.
  6. ^ Assunção, Amanda Vanessa Pereira; Santos, Catarina de Almeida; Nogueira, Danielle Xabrega Pamplona (2018-03-26). "Política de cotas raciais na UnB: um estudo sobre o acesso de negros na universidade durante o período 2004 a 2012". Revista HISTEDBR On-line (in Portuguese). 18 (1): 212–233. doi:10.20396/rho.v18i1.8645867. ISSN 1676-2584.
  7. ^ Peixoto, Adriano de Lemos Alves; Ribeiro, Elisa Maria Barbosa de Amorim; Bastos, Antônio Virgilio Bittencourt; Ramalho, Maria Cecilia Koehne (2016-May-Jul). "Cotas e desempenho acadêmico na UFBA: um estudo a partir dos coeficientes de rendimento". Avaliação: Revista da Avaliação da Educação Superior (Campinas) (in Portuguese). 21: 569–592. doi:10.1590/S1414-40772016000200013. ISSN 1414-4077. {{cite journal}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  8. ^ Brazil, Cleuci de Oliveira in Pelotas (2017-06-08). "'Race fraud': how a college quota scandal exposed Brazil's historic racial tensions". the Guardian. Retrieved 2022-11-08.