User:CWH/China League for Civil Rights

The China League for Civil Rights also known as The China League for the Protection of Civil Rights(中国民权保障同盟成员合影)

founded in 1932 by Soong Qingling, Hu Shi, Yang Xingfo, Lin Yutang, and Hu Yuzhi

thumb|China League for Civil Rights

The Civil Rights Protection League of China was established in the Republic of China on December 17, 1932 to protect civil rights. In June 1933, the Yang Xing Buddha was invisible and disintegrated.



Before the establishment of the China Civil Rights Protection League, two things happened. First, in February 1930, Hu Shi published the "Human Rights Collection". Second, in June 1931, the Communist International’s secret staff Niu Lan and his wife were arrested and then rescued by Soong Ching Ling and others. [1]

In February 1930, Shanghai Xinyue Bookstore published the "Human Rights Collection", which included Hu Shi , Liang Shiqiu , and Luo Longji 's articles on human rights in the "New Moon" monthly magazine. Hu Shi compiled the book and prefaced it. The book's "the subject word" is "quickly formulating the law to protect human rights!" The book criticizes Sun Yat-sen , refuting his "training period" theory proposed in the " Founding Outline ." In his book, Hu Shi expressed his dissatisfaction with the human rights situation in China . He cited the case of President Jiang’sdetention of Liu Wendian and Tangshan’s 152 brigade, tortured a businessman and caused a disability to cause the strike. For example, if you really want to protect human rights today, To establish the foundation of the rule of law, the first piece should be a constitution of the Republic of China. At least, at least, the so-called law of the so-called political period should be enacted." [1]

June 15, 1931, the Comintern hidden secrets of Chinese staff cattle Lan and his wife at ShanghaiSichuan Road No. 235 residence was Shanghai Municipal Police arrest. The Soviet Unionimmediately rescued. The foreign rescue of underground rescue activities is led by Richard Sorge , and the Chinese side is led by Pan Hannian . In the rescue operation on the ground, Song Qinglingpersonally came forward to negotiate with Chiang Kai-shek in December 1931. He proposed that China release the Niulan couple. The Soviet Union sent Jiang Jingguo back to China, but Chiang Kai-shek did not accept it. On July 1, 1932, the Nanjing National Government interrogated Niu Lan for the crime of "harming the Republic of China." On July 2, Niu Lan hunger strikes. On July 11, Soong Ching Ling’s defense lawyer, Chen Yuyi, came to the Jiangning District Court Detention Center to visit the Niulan couple and advised the two to eat. On the same day, Soong Ching Ling, Cai Yuanpei, Yang Xingfo , Edgar Snow and others established the "Niulan Couple Shanghai Rescue Committee" and Song Qingling served as the chairman. [1]



On December 17, 1932, the "China Civil Rights Protection Alliance" was established. Most of the members of the original "Niulan Couple Shanghai Rescue Committee" became members of the alliance. In addition, the alliance has also attracted many celebrities from the cultural and educational circles to join. On December 18, 1932, Shanghai " Declaration " published the "Initiation of the Chinese Civil Rights Protection Alliance Declaration" issued by Soong Ching Ling, Cai Yuanpei, Yang Lan (Yang Xingfo), Li Zhaozhen , Lin Yutang and others in the name of the Preparatory Committee. The alliance actually continued to rescue the Niulan couple as a top priority, plus the task of rescuing other political prisoners, plus the slogan of safeguarding general human rights. [1]

The highest leading organ of the Civil Rights Security Alliance of China is the National Committee, which is chaired by the Executive Committee. The National Committee is composed of local chapters. [2] The China National Security Alliance is set up in Shanghai . On December 30, 1932, the Chinese Civil Rights Protection League held a press conference at the Chinese and Foreign Press Conference in Huaan Building, Nanjing Road, Shanghai , to announce the temporary Central Executive Committee elected by the Preparatory Committee. The chairman was Soong Ching Ling, the Vice Chairman was Cai Yuanpei, and the Director General was Yang Xingfo. The propaganda director is Lin Yutang, and the temporary central executive committee consists of 7 people and 7 people, including Zou Yufen , Hu Yuzhi and Yi Luosheng . Cai Yuanpei said at the meeting: "As a person, there is a common human right that should be guaranteed. Therefore, I wait for the first, non-partisan prejudice, second, "no country boundaries", and third, "there is no difference between those who have been convicted or not convicted." [3] [2]

On January 18, 1933, the "Declaration" published the "Chinese Civil Rights Protection Alliance Declaration", which proposed three purposes: [4]

(1) Struggling for the release of domestic political prisoners and the abolition of illegal detention and killing. The League is willing to first commit to most prisoners who are unnamed and not paying attention to society. (2) Giving domestic political prisoners and legal and other assistance. And investigate the prison situation. The publication of the facts about domestic oppression of civil rights to arouse the public will. (3) Assisting in all efforts to freely express freedom of the people's rights in the freedom of speech and assembly.

On January 17, 1933, the Shanghai Branch of the China Civil Rights Protection Alliance held a founding meeting. Soong Ching Ling , Cai Yuanpei , Yang Lan , Lin Yutang , Yi Luosheng , Zou Yifen , Chen Binhe , Hu Yuzhi and Lu Xun were elected as executive members of the Shanghai Branch. . [2]On March 18, according to the stipulations of the League, Lin Yutang and others were already members of the Interim Central Executive Committee and should not concurrently serve as the leadership of the branch. Therefore, they resigned from the Shanghai Branch.

At 4:30 on January 1933 afternoon, the China League for Civil Rights Peking branch in the South Riverside of the Western Returned Scholars Association held the inaugural meeting, election Hu, into the homes I , Chen Bosheng , Xu Xusheng , Xu Deheng , Renshu Yong , Chiang Meng-lin , Li Ji's, horse juvenile fish a total of nine people Executive Committee. [1]

Except for the Shanghai Branch and the Peiping Branch, there are no other clubs. The National Congress has not been held. The number of members of the Provisional Executive Committee and the heads of the Shanghai Branch are repeated. [2]



The Civil Rights Protection Alliance of China will expand the private behavior of political prisoners into organized behaviors involving celebrities. Jakob Rudnik couple, Chen Tu-hsiu , Xu Deheng , Wailu , Liao Chengzhi , Liu Yusheng , Luodeng Xian , Chen Geng , Ding Ling , Pan Zi years , Chen Guangyuan , more than culture , Chen Shuying , who, all who have been China League for Civil Rights rescue or care. [3] [2]

When the Provisional Executive Committee of the Civil Rights Security Alliance of China meets, the Director General Yang Lan often reports the case and rescue measures. Foreign journalists participate in every meeting. The alliance protested to the Kuomintang authorities and issued a declaration. Meeting news and declarations, sometimes unable to be published in the country, were sent abroad by foreign journalists such as Smedley and Irosheng, or published in the English-language "China Forum" run by the Americans, which has a great influence on international public opinion. Celebrities such as George Bernard Shaw , Einstein , and Roman Roland made a declaration or telegram to protest against the Kuomintang authorities. [2]

In 1933, Hitler came to power to establish the fascist government, and the Chinese Nationalist Partybegan to learn German to practice fascism. On May 13, 1933, representatives of the Chinese Civil Rights Protection League, Soong Ching Ling, Cai Yuanpei, Yang Xingfo, Lin Yutang, Lu Xun, and foreign journalists Smedley and Irosheng went to the German Consulate in Shanghai to submit a protest to protest against the fascist party and pointed out Hitler. Only four or five months after he took office, "the number of workers arrested has reached 30,000 to 40,000, and the number of intellectuals who have been oppressed is also in the thousands. The prisoners have been tortured or killed, and they have become self-sufficient afterwards. Or the bullet was killed when he fled." The protest was transferred to the German ambassador to China, Toddman , but was not transferred to the German government, and soon Toddman returned directly to Soong Ching Ling. Toddman also served as a senior adviser to Chiang Kai-shek, and this treatment was clearly supported by Chiang Kai-shek. Yang Xingfo said to the press that the action of submitting the protests "has caused special attention to the world, and it has reached a certain goal. The Benedict Jewish Association has written a thank you. The Japanese literary community also unanimously opposed the tyranny of the German book burning tyranny. It is known that justice still exists." [2]

The China Civil Rights Protection Alliance has also formed a “national sacred self-help meeting” with more than 20 social groups in Shanghai. On May 24, 1933, Soong Ching Ling gave a speech at the preparatory meeting for the National Yuzong Self-help Conference. He called for uniting the anti-Japanese forces of China and opposing the Chinese Kuomintang's compromise and surrender route. He asked the national government to send troops and organize the volunteers to fight against Japan and immediately restore the people's right to democracy and freedom. , stop attacking the Soviet area . Soong Ching Ling also introduced the proposal put forward by the Provisional Central Government of the Chinese Soviet Republic on January 17, 1933, which is willing to cooperate with any army to resist Japan under the three conditions. [5]

Expulsion of Hu Shi


At that time, Zhang Xueliang any of Military Affairs Commission Peking branch agency chairman, ruled North China; Peking branch of the Military Commission Secretary Wang Zoran is Zhang's cronies, to China League for Civil Rights branch of Peking cooperative approach. [1]

After the establishment of the Peiping Branch on January 30, 1933, the first thing was to investigate the situation of political prisoners. At 7 pm on January 30, 1933, the Peiping Branch decided to inspect the prison the next day. At 11 o'clock on the evening of January 30, Yang Xingfo met with Zhang Xueliang and was approved by Zhang Xueliang. Zhang Xueliang sent Wang Zhuoran and two officials of the Military Law Department and the Gendarmerie Command to accompany Yang Xingfo, Hu Shi, and Cheng She at 10:00 to 14:00 on January 31. Inspected the Peiping Army Reconnaissance Institute and two other prisons where political prisoners were held. Political prisoners have complained a lot, and Wang Zhuoran reported the various demands put forward by Hu Shi to Zhang Xueliang. During the inspection, Liu Wenwen, a political prisoner in the Beiping Army's Introspective Court, was Liu Zunqi, a member of the Chinese Communist Party, a member of the China Left-wing Writers Union Peiping Branch, a reporter of the Beiping Branch of the Tas Society, and a translator. In July 1931, he was arrested and imprisoned in the Peiping Army. ) Talk to Hu Shi in English . [1]

On January 25, 1933, Smedley (who was the English secretary of Soong Ching Ling) submitted to the League General Committee the writer of the Peiping Inspector of the Peiping Army, Li Yiyin (actually Liu Zunqi ), which was sent by Beiping’s “World Journal” . letter. Li Yuyin’s letter was borrowed from the name recommended by Hu Shi. Hu Shi has never known that there is such a thing. [4]

On February 4, 1933, Hu Shi received an English letter from Smedley, which was entrusted by the League, with an English letter signed by Soong Ching Ling and a copy of the English "People's Complaints of the Politics of the Beiping Military Branch" (ie above) Li Yiyin's letter). The complaint described the cruel lynching of the Peking Army’s introspection. Both of Smedley and Soong Ching Ling’s letters demanded that the Peiping Branch immediately file a serious protest with the authorities and abolish the lynching of the Inspectorate. Song Qingling’s letter also stated that “immediately and unconditionally release all political prisoners”. On the following day, Song Qingling’s letter and complaint were published in the English Yanjing Daily. Wang Zhuoran saw the newspaper calling Hu Shi to ask the source of the article. On February 4th and 5th, Hu Shi wrote two letters to Cai Yuanpei and Lin Yutang, arguing that the two letters and the complaint should be corrected. Hu Shi also wrote to the English "Yingjing Daily" saying that "the appeal is very likely to be a fake anonymous letter." [1] [4]

On February 7th, Hu Shi’s article "Protection of Civil Rights" was published in the " Independent Review " magazine, proposing that "China's civil rights security movement must be built on the basis of law" and oppose "immediately and unconditionally releasing all political prisoners" The formulation of "a government must exist, naturally it cannot be sanctioned for all actions to overthrow the government or resist the government." Here Hu applies "naturally can't." On February 21st, the English " Xin Lin Xi Bao " published a report on the interview of Hu Shi by the reporter. The content is the key point of Hu Shizhi's "Ying Beijing News" and "Protection of Civil Rights", which states that "any government should have protection." They themselves suppress the rights that endanger their own movements. Of course, political prisoners, like other criminals, deserve legal protection and legal trials..." The government here has the right to suppress. [1] [6] In the report, Hu Shi also believed that the Beiping Army’s Introspective Court did not have any torture. Hu Shi’s statement and terminology have led to a strong reaction from the Chinese Civil Rights Protection League. China Civil Rights Protection Alliance Electric Hu Shi: "This day, Shanghai "Zhi Lin Xi Bao", Mr. Zai, talked against this Council and advocated the release of political prisoners, and proposed four principles, completely contrary to the first item of the Declaration of this Council, is it respectful? Electric recovery." Hu Shi did not reply. [1] On February 28, Cai Yuanpei and Soong Ching Ling jointly called Hu Shi and asked Hu Shi to openly correct it. "Otherwise, there is only freedom to go out." Hu Shi still has not answered. [4]

On March 3, the China Civil Rights Protection League Interim Central Executive Committee met to resolve: expulsion of the member Hu Shi. [1] On March 18th, the General Assembly of the Chinese National Security Association was held and the resolution was ratified. [4]

The expulsion of Hu Shi reflects the division within the China Civil Rights Protection League. On March 13th, Ma Yuzao , Jiang Menglin , Ren Hongjun , Chen Bosheng and Cheng She , from the Peiping Branch, jointly signed a letter to the Interim Central Executive Committee of the National Security Alliance, and indirectly asked Hu Shi. The Interim Central Executive Committee met specifically for this day and replied on March 23. [1]

In May 1933, Wang Zhuoran released Liu Wenwen (Liu Zunqi) unconditionally on bail. [1]

End of the League


On February 12, 1933, the Chinese Nationalist Party’s Nanjing Municipal Party Committee Executive Committee resolved: “Cai Yuanpei, Soong Ching Ling, etc. are good at organizing civil rights protection alliances, issuing declarations, guaranteeing counter-revolution and the Communist Party’s criminals, actually undermining the party’s prestige, and surpassing the Central Committee’s powers. Please dismiss the group from the central government and warn in Cai and Song." [3]

At 8 o'clock on the morning of June 18, 1933, in the street in front of the League's headquarters, Yang Xingfo was assassinated by gunmen who were widely assumed to be Kuomintang operatives. After that, the Alliance virtually disappeared. Lu Xun said: "The death of Yang Xingfo was originally a warning to Mrs. Sun and Mr. Cai , but they are determined." Since then, Soong Ching Ling, Cai Yuanpei and others continue to carry out private protection for civil rights and rescue political prisoners. activity. [3]

The scholar Chen Jinxing wrote in 2006, however, that the League was less centrist and liberal than its projected image and later reputation, since the radical American journalist Harold Isaacs and the underground Chinese Communist Party played a greater role in the League than had been thought. Chen also questions whether the fall of the League was entirely due to government suppression. Although that suppression was important in the shut-down, a serious split between Hu Shi and the Leftist members handicapped the League just as it was getting organized.[1]


  • "The China League for the Protection of Civil Rights". Contemporary Chinese Thought. 31 (1): 84–87. 1999. doi:10.2753/CSP1097-1467310184.
  • Chen, Jinxing (2006). "The Rise and Fall of the China League for Civil Rights". China Review. 6 (2): 121–147. JSTOR publication date: Fall 2006 Full publication date: Fall 2006. {{cite journal}}: Check |jstor= value (help)


  1. ^ Chen2006, p. 121.