CCP is known as CLub Penguin Partners and is a group of Penguins that help each other in videos for Club Penguin. The members are.....

  1. Elmo2340 (owns Elmo2340)
  2. Dude2340 (works for CPFun22)
  3. Flame312 (works for CPFun22)
  4. Cpfun22 (owns CPFun22)
  5. Santi33 (owns Santi33)
  6. Marty44 (doesn't exist yet)



Elmo2340 is a penguin that has about 300 days of experience in Club Penguin(kinda rare).Elmo2340 owns a Youtube Channel called Elmo2340 and shares with his friend Adam2350. They both help make videos for their channel. Elmo2340 and Adam2350 both made another channel called AAETV(Adam And Elmo Tele Vision) which is about videos that are a type of oportunity of being seen on Youtube in penguins. Elmo2340 has 2 Club Penguin Music Videos(Adam2350 makes more than him). The songs are..

  1. Canadian Idiot
  2. Blood
  3. All Star
  4. Bad Day

Canadian Idiot and Blood are having a remake. All Star and Bad Day haven't been uploaded to Youtube



Cpfun22 is the second penguin to join. He also has a Youtube account called CPFun22. This penguin was made to make 20 old and new rock music videos in 2 years. Cpfun22 starts uploading them on January 1st 2009 and will end December 31st 2010. Cpfun has made the song(s)...

  1. We Are The Champions

We Are The Champions hasn't been uploaded to Youtube.



Cpsanti33 is the last penguin to join CPP. He also has an account on Youtube named CPSanti33. Santi33 stands for Santiago de la 33. This is the only penguin that will make Spanish Music Videos. Santi33 will make Club Penguin Music Video History (CPMVH) with the following songs.

  1. Mariposa Traisionera
  2. Sir Duke
  3. Color Esperanza
  4. Eres
  5. No Estamos Solos
  6. A Dios Le Pido

Cpsanti can be found in these servers... Thermal,

Non-owner songs


The music videos without a main channel (but with composer)are..

  1. We Will Rock You (Flame312)
  2. Earth Angel (Cpfun22)
  3. Rockin Robin (Cpfun22)
  4. Splish Splash (Cpfun22)
  5. La Bamba (Santi33)
  6. Sha-boom (Dude2340)
  7. Danny California (Elmo2340)
  8. Eye Of The Tiger (Cpfun22)
  9. Hotel California (Marty44)
  10. Run To The Hills (Elmo2340)
  11. Mama (Marty44)
  12. Black Hole Sun (Dude2340)
  13. Flirtin' with Disaster (Dude2340)
  14. The Flame (Flame312)
  15. Wanted Dead or Alive (Elmo2340)

The songs will be composed by Cpfun22, Santi33, Dude2340, Flame312, and Elmo2340.