Middle School Basic Vectors


In most of the educational institutions around the world, vectors are a basic concept taught in middle school for students.



A vector is a quantity that has both a magnitude and a direction. The easiest way to understand a vector representation is by understanding an arrow for instance.


Vector diagrams


The use of vectors come in handy when applied to a vector diagram, such as the one shown below.


In the above vector diagram, the following arrows each represents a unit vector:

|AB| = a, |AG| = b, |AF| = c

If the diagram ABCDEF is considered a symmetric hexagon, the similar sides (and directions) can be used to represent the same unit vectors a, b and c. However, if u reverse the direction of the vector (arrow), the result would only be the negative of the original vector, but the unit vectors would still be able to be equated.

For example: