The Buddhist Youth Empowerment Sangha (BYES) is a youth wing of Mahanag Sakyamuni Vijjasan, Barse Nagar, Nagpur. BYES is established to carry out empowerment activities for youths in various fields of life such as, Education, Personality Development, Moral, Cultural and Scientific training, Acquisition of Economic and Professional skills, Arts and Sports and, Women & Children.

Objectives :-

1. To organize the youths from amongst Backward Communities for united action in self elevation irrespective of caste, creed, religion, language or sex in India.

2. To promote, enhance and undertake empowering activities in the fields of a) Education, b) Personality Development, c) Moral, Cultural and Scientific training, d)Promotions of Economic and Professional skills for right livelihood [Samyaka Ajivika] e) Arts and Sports, F) Women & Children.

3. To create awareness about this cause amongst the parents and the people at large.

4. To promote and support adventure and entrepreneurship among the youth.−


1) Regular Weekly Sunday Workshop

   Topic       :- The Buddha and His Dhamma
   Guidance by :- Bhadant Vimalkitti Gunsiri
   Place       :- Deekshabhoomi , Nagpur
   Time        :-         8.30 am – 10.30 am

The Buddhist Youth Empowerment Sangha

The Mahanag Sakyamuni Vijjasan International School of Buddhist Studies & Research Panchpaoli, NAGPUR-440017 Mobile- +91 9156147824 Mobilel- +91 9156147825 E-mail:

Useful Links

Website  :- Facebook Page : - Event management :- Watch Videos on YouTube :