
Subscribe to subscribing


Subscribe to subscribing, also known as Subscribe2Subscribe, Sub2Sub or Sub to Sub is a agreement in a YouTube comment sections where the 2nd channel will beg for the 1st channel to sub to them and the 2nd channel sub to the 1st channel and a promise that they never "unsubscribe".

Unfortunately, the Sub2Subbing method is not fast. which makes it slow an scummy due to the harsh reality of it, and the promises actually aren't real and being jokes. The 2nd channel actually doesnt sub to the 1st channel with the 2nd gaining one sub but not for the 1st channel, or the 2nd channel does sub, but for some reason, it will unsub in the hopes you didn't realize.

The downfall


Sub2subbing actually had a downfall between 2022-2023 where the Sub2Sub victims will unsub to the 2nd channel because it is harsh, slow and not fast at all.

Due to the victims cleaning their subscriptions, it had a downfall in Mid 2022 to all the way back to Early 2023.

Example of how Sub2sub works.