WIP - changing patient to person - patient is okay - adding images - food/diet - sources - referring to hypo/hypermag vs. high/low - units (mEq vs mg/dl vs mmol/L) - wikiproject medicine guidelines (review this in general) - caution the lay person about the units their lab is in

Lead - brief definition of electrolytes - what is measured by doctors

Content - Burns, sweat - Symptoms - Intake, supplementations (and dangers) - Foods that provide certain electrolytes - Create electrolyte balance image - recommended intake? sources of food? - fix mEq <> mg, etc - adding in images "the average requirement for magnesium intake is 300–400 mg/day depending on gender, age, body habitus, physiologic need as well as individual variation in absorption (intestinal and renal) and excretion" - add treatment/diet - changing patient --> person

Lay sources

  • Sodium: Pickled foods, cheese and table salt.

Chloride: Table salt. Potassium: Fruits and vegetables like bananas, avocado and sweet potato. Magnesium: Seeds and nuts. Calcium: Dairy products, fortified dairy alternatives and green leafy vegetables.

Other sources

  • Patient information on UTD

Peer Review

  • Look for accuracy in the page you're reviewing
  • Look for simplicity of language, limited use of medical jargon
  • Flow within sections, section headers, order of sections
  • Look for adherence to the Wikiproject Medicine style guidelines
  • Be respectful to your peer
  • Identify specific areas of improved quality as well as specific areas for improvement
  • Preview workplan before you conduct your peer-review
  • Share any sources that might be helpful to the writer
  • Be mindful of intended audience

Mary's Timeline

  • streamline language of article
  • incorporate up to date literature
  • expand on the Investigations section
  • expand on the Treatments sections
  • create a section discussing delirium in critical care
  • create a section discussing ICU telemedicine
    • March 6: Literature review, collect sources
    • March 11: Identify critical themes, finalize new sections in article
    • March 18: Write new sections, incorporate sources
    • March 23: edit for grammar, structure, clarity of language
    • March 27: Course wrap-up


  • Accurate and concise. Could include more information to reflect the great edits added to monitoring/treatment section.


  • Good organization and language. Good job focusing on specific sections and improving them. I think the breakdown of different organ systems is excellent. This section may benefit from an introduction into why these specific procedures are listed. Good use of lists and concise wording to describe different procedures.
  • Clarification between open/closed units is clear.


  • Would benefit from more citations, seems like your main critical care source is extensive enough to use throughout.

Existing Article