Article Evaluation


The following will be my article evaluation for Pay bands under the Wiki page for Political Science 3318 Monday/Wednesday 10-10:50 class. In my opinion all of the facts in the article were well represented with sources, while there could be more of discussion on different states and their individual laws the article made their point efficiently. In the article they kept it brief and stayed neutral on trying to pick any sides. They had all of the links to their sources and they worked adequately. Their facts and way they put the article together basically was revolved around governmental stats to explain the different levels of pay bands and how they pertain to business of all kinds.  

Although, the article checks out on sources and the description of it is adequate, I believe that there is a lot that can be done to improve this cite because I feel like there is variant that were not talked about. One of which could be the issue or subject of what the lowest pay scale is- in other words minimum wage in the different states because each state has the ability to establish their own minimum wage. That being said, the article could also go into things such as socio-economical classes here in America and what they mean to establish what a persons socioeconomic standing can mean in America. It would further help the Wiki community to know what pay bands are and what an average American can make etc. If we include the above, I believe the article would be an improvement at the least and may help the article become featured!

Annotated Bibliography



by colin parish on June 8, Vol 19 no 39 2005 in the Nursing Standard

"We will be looking for something that is a significant inducement to new recruits, one that will ensure qualified staff stay in the professions. “talking about the difficulties that are prevalent for the learning disability nurses to continue to help those they care about but need compensation in order to continue to have an inflow of nurses in their narrowed field


Coming of 'Pay Bands' Spurs Curiosity of Defense Employees By: Stephen Barr, Washington Post, The, 01908286, Oct 28, 2005

“Because job performance ratings will determine the size of pay raises, the Pentagon said, it will give employees covered by union agreements two choices to dispute job ratings they consider unfair or inaccurate. Employees may use the grievance process outlined in their union contract -- such as arbitration -- or use an internal "administrative reconsideration" process, the final regulation said.”

This goes to show that even something that has been around since the beginning of America can undergo changes in how they set up their “company” to pay their employees. There are always new way to make life for the employee and employers have a better relationship especially when the topic of money is brought up. If there is structure it can often times make for there to be a more constructive way of deeming what is or is not a fair promotion or demotion.


GAO’s Proposed Human capital legislation – view of the employee advisory council

Tuesday, September 16, 2003 @ United States General Accounting Office.

“However, many employees have expressed concerns about the proposals that affect pay. Specifically, many staff are concerned about the potential negative impact of the change in the basis for annual salary increases, although some staff recognize the potential benefits for additional reward and management flexibility. To a lesser extent, staff are concerned about changes to pay protections provided under traditional federal employment rules. Staff have differing opinions on the provision to change GAO’s name to the Government Accountability Office. “

The reason this is an issue that should be talked about is because the representatives are passing policies in areas of the federal government that matter to the federal employees who are not yet in the high echelon and they are being effected by said policies. The policies those elected are passing do some reform and compromise but through the statement above looks as though they are benefiting themselves more than others due to the fact that federal employees are generally not pleased with the results of the GAO’s analysis of the proposed bill.


School Leadership Today title: Freedom n teacher performance pay recommended. Dec. 1, 2012

“It is vital that teachers can be paid more without having to leave the classroom. This will be particularly important to schools in the most disadvantaged areas as it will empower them to attract and recruit the best teachers.

This is another good idea to use to change the status quo on how we pay teachers. If you have troubled neighborhoods the students will never exceed if the district cannot adequately attract teachers to work for them. As bad as it is to say, teachers do need to make a living and they take it into account when deciding where to work.


New Pay bands expand intel employees earning potential by Stephan, losey in Federal Times on 19, may 2008.

"This provides for the so-called dual track, so we can compensate technical excellence to the same level that we compensate managerial excellence," Sanders said. "That's another great flaw in the General Schedule, in that you force your very best technical people often to take managerial positions in order to get promoted. That's the last thing you want. You want them to stay in that job, providing that technical expertise."

There is often a gap in between technical worker and managers in skill sets and also pay. The idea is to keep the employee where they work best so you can always have a expert in that area without them seeking other opportunites .