My name is Brajesh Rawat. I am from India. I have got first division in the class high school (75%) and higher Secondary (73.7%). In this memo, I am going to tell you little bit about my background, interests, achievements and my goals.

Background I was born in a small village called Kotra. Kotra is located about 55 kilometers the city of Gwalior which is big city in three cities in madhya Pradesh, India. I spent my first 18 years of life in Goraghat(Kotra). Goraghat is famous for Shind River. My everyday activities included going to school, playing cricket, watching television, and going to temple at the night time.

I spend my first 4 year of life in Kotra before moving here in Goraghat on August 23, 1996 with my family. I started going to Pratibha Highschool as in class of 4th. At there, I focused on achieving my goals including learning English language, participating in extracurricular activities, and doing well in all my classes. In my junior year, I had joined Math club, Robotics club.

Interests I like playing football and Cricket. I always enjoyed reading, writing and doing math. Growing up as a child and until now, (my adulthood) it has been mine (my) and my parents dream for me to become a Computer Hardware and Networking Engineer.

I decided to become a Computer Hardware and Networking Engineer because I have always been fascinated by looking at the Computer Parts. But I could not become a Computer Hardware and Networking Engineer.

A degree in Computer Hardware and Networking Engineer enables me to achieve my goals and also gives me an opportunity to make a difference in the community. Achievements: I have achieved many different goals in life. Some of my achievements are bigger than the others, which has given me greater satisfaction. 1. Being Army Technical Engineer in the year of 2012. My achievements have helped me to get ahead in life.