Borna kazerani is an Iranian / Australian filmmaker, Screenwriter, Author, Actor, Photographer, as well as a language interpreter. He is living in Melbourne " Australia ".I made my first short film at the age of 13 to draw attention to the various problems facing young people in Iran. His filmmaking activities met with various responses from Iranian authorities as my films addressed subjects considered “taboo”under Islamic law such as human rights, sex, sexuality, homosexuality, age of consent, women in sport, relationships, voting, culture, social structures and politics When He was 15 years old He made a short film called “My 24 hours”.He was notified that my movie received award at the Nepal Short Film Festival for Best Director, Best Actor, and Best Cameraman. In 2005, He made another movie called “Raad.A womanly story”. The subject was a girl who felt her rights were being restricted by religion and the Islamic laws. She was very frustrated about being a woman and decided to change her sexuality to become a man. In the movie. At the beginning the movie was about a girl who wanted to be a man, but at it was developing,other issues began to emerge. The making of this movie received a wide exposure in the magazines and the public media. He was recognised as the youngest film director in Iran. 90 people were involved in making this film. In September 2005, He finished filming another movie “8 people tango” in which Iranian boys and girls talk openly about their lives. The movie addressed issues including sex, women in sport, relationship, voting, culture, and cultural differences between social levels, politics, and the experiences of a girl who was raped and whose father bashed her. It was never shown or releases in Iran. He was the procedure, director, photographer and designer of this movie. In 2010, He finished filming another movie called “My Beautiful Life “The subject of the movie is about people dealing with cancer, it also contains the themes of hope, lies and human spirit.