"Wikipedia does not have a user page with this exact title. In general, this page should be created and edited by User:Bookmarking"

OK, why not? I won't be editing many (if any) of the pages, because I've heard about the revert wars and wikilawyering, and decided that I wanted no part of any of that. However, if I can point any of you in the direction of a resource that you might find helpful, I'll be happy to do that in the discussion pages, as long as I can stay out of the drama.

The key word in this is "help". When I take time out of a busy day to help somebody, I'm doing that somebody a favor, and I expect to see a little appreciation. By this, I don't mean bowing and scraping. What I mean is that if somebody starts giving me a hard time without any good reason, I expect people to have my back, without having to be wheedled or nagged into having it. If people decide that they don't want to meet that expectation, that's fine - sort of - and it is their choice, but choices have consequences. The consequence in this case is that whatever I was giving to those people that they enjoyed, is something that they won't be seeing again. No drama, no screaming, no rounding up of allies to exact fearful justice, just me getting up, knocking the dust off my sandals, and moving on. At the very least, off of that page, probably out of that category, and if I regret having created this account enough, off of this site. Permanently. And I won't accept apologies, later on. Not online.

The reason is simple enough. Offline, people all have their own stories, some true, some blatant lies, and we get to sort through all of that, trying to find the truth. But online, it's all out there, out in the open, so the only question is, does somebody care enough about the truth to look. If the answer to that is no, then any sort of association with that person is going to be an unending source of grief. Since I'm not being paid to do this, putting up with that just doesn't make a whole lot of sense to me.