
Condemned presence

Are they devil worshipers

If you notice on the front of the cover of open door and look closely at the picture you will see a pentagram on the left on the door. Open up the cover and read the sponser part or whatever and you'll see the 666 Studioes. 666 Studioes sounds devilish to me. In the song Bring me to life at the first part she sings "without a soul", sounds like to me she sold her soul. There are a lot of signs saying she is a devil worshiper. Look on the open door case. User:Bloodsource 01:15, 24 March 2007

Erm, I don't think there is any way to confirm that information... But I'm almost certain that most of the band is Christian in some way or another. The pentagrm isn't necissarily a symbol of "devil worship" either. And 666 Studios is simply a name, and not a front for a satanic regime of backwards children's music. In other words, don't delve too deeply into it because A) there is no way to prove it either way and B)Nobody cares.Gyakusetsu 22:53, 23 March 2007 (UTC)
Please stop reading so much into these minor and vague things. Pentagrams and that phrase don't necessarily have anything to do with devil worshipping, and even the studio name doesn't mean's just a name. Also, do not delete other people's comments, as this could be construed as vandalism. Basically, please don't be a is rather frowned upon. -- Huntster T@C 17:23, 6 April 2007 (UTC)
Actually, that WOULD point to the occult. Don't act like it doesn't. Evanescence aren't Satanists, though. They're Christian and I don't believe that person. Sion 00:07, 25 April 2007 (UTC)

Come on dude! You should believe me. I actually have someone to sort of agree with me. What do you have to say about Sweet t 666 music. So, you know if that church with the seal of solomon on that picture must be a church of satan. COME ON!!! Its so obvious!!! user:Bloodsource

On the anywhere but home dvd go to the special features and watch the whole stuff and finally you will see the people play a prank on this guy and there is a view of a bible with sperm on it. That is not christian.user:Bloodsource

First of all, there are several drops of dye on the bible (and in the toilet, see the red colour?) to simulate blood. That's why they bought the box that says "Rit dye" on it. It was a prank. Second, you seem to be implying that if it isn't Christian, it must be devil worshipping...this seems highly fallacious. As has been said before, I believe you are reading too much into this, and this discussion isn't helping the article any. Let's please drop it. -- Huntster T@C 19:14, 11 April 2007 (UTC)

Still even if it is dye its not cool to put it on a bible. I am just wandering why was it blured out. Also the pentagram signifies white magic. In the open door case look at the picture of the church. On the front of it is the seal of solomon. Dont mistake it with the star of david. The seal of solomon is the most powerful symbol use by occultalist. I made a mistake on the 666 stuidioes. Its called sweet T 666 music.Come on, how much proof do I have to show. There is plenty.user:Bloodsource

It was the words of the book that was blurred out, not the dye itself. I'm not progressing in this debate further, as I previously mentioned, it does this article no good. These are theories with no proof and purely circumstantial evidence behind them. -- Huntster T@C 18:40, 12 April 2007 (UTC)

Well i'm glad your not writing in this article because everything I point out you come up with excuses. These things are NOT theories. They are facts based on the open door case and other stuff. Also you keep telling me to drop it. Sounds like your hiding something. I have to give it to you, I was wrong about the bible thing even though it still is'nt cool to put anything on the bible unless it's an accident. You never said anything about the seal of solomon. I am going to continue to post this stuff.User:Bloodsource 9:17, 19 April 2007 (UTC)

You know some of the lyrics of some songs seem a little weird to me. You know how you said that its not some backwards childrens music. Well I put a little thought into that. I was looking at the word lithium and the only meaning to it I could find was a metallic liquid of some sort. So, I was trying to see if I could make new words out of it and this is what I came up with.


I as in Amy. Hilt as in the end of a sword or dagger. Um as in sort for them but with a u. Sounds like a sacrifice. Now how about the lyrics of sweet sacrifice. First I want to point out "if they're christian why talk about sacrifice?" What I mean how would we know if they were talking about sacrifice as a ritual or dying for a cause?

                  Sweet poor innocent thing.
                  (meaning you are with God.)
                  Dry your eyes and testify.
                  (meaning tell the truth)
                  You live to break me.
                  (meaning your against satan)
                  Sweet Sacrifice.
                  (meaning to die for satan)

then later it says "our ashes blacken the day"I will let you decide about that one!

I know it sounds like B.S but how would we know what that means? Because of the whole Sweet t 666 music'. How would that be just a name? Its not just a name. 6 means man. 666 Means marking of the beast or an idol(god). And for all we know,it may be backwards childrens music. Have you played it backwards? Also, we dont know the band personally so how would we know if they are satanistS. Well lets just say it's sure as 1134 is showing in some of their stuff to me.


bloodsource have you ever seen the documentries where if you look THAT deep into ANYTHING it could be something about worshiping the devil? any sentence ANY word can look like it. your looking way to deep into the lyrics and making up all these things because your looking for it way to much. so of course your going to find SOMETHING i bet you could probably do the same with the wiggles or any other artist. its just your crazy hope that they actually ARE worshippers

Okay, thank you all who have commented here, but this is completely off-topic from the article; it is completely original research, which we want to avoid at Wikipedia, and parts of it are borderline personal attack. I ask that everyone please cease from this train of thought and move on to more productive avenues. Thank you. -- Huntster T@C 12:11, 8 May 2007 (UTC)

None of this is off topic. Also if there is a personal attack I wont be by me. Can you even prove this is off topic anyways? —The preceding unsigned comment was added by Bloodsource (talkcontribs) 12:13, 9 May 2007 (UTC)
Yeah, it is. Everything presented in this section is purely original research, meaning you are the sole source of evidence. Nothing here is verifiable, nothing has been obtained from a reputable third party source, as Wikipedia guidelines dictate. Nothing here, for that reason, will prove valuable to the article, thus, it is off-topic. -- Huntster T@C 17:21, 9 May 2007 (UTC)

You know what i find most amusing here? our Bloodsource user is wiccan, why does he even care? Abba12 11:59, 12 May 2007 (UTC)

What does Wicca have to do with anything? I'm Wiccan too, and on the opposite side of the debate. -- Huntster T@C 14:49, 12 May 2007 (UTC)
Do you know what i find amusing? That Abba12 must think that wiccan are devil worshipers. Well news flash There not. Before you say anything like that see wicca. Thank you. Well i have a friend that knows a lot. We was talking about the song lithium. He said that it has nothin to do with ihiltum or anything. But he says its a pill(a drug). See i really love this band weather they are devil worshipers or not. But you know i had family that's died from taking pills and stuff. So Amy if you ever read this article then i just want to say "get some help". I have never taken pills like that but i used to be hooked on marijuana and it was bad until i got help. love you all. LATER user:Bloodsource
I'm very sorry to hear about your family; however, Lee has stated in an interview that no, she's never taken drugs like that, and as I recal, it was just symbolic speech of certain aspects of her life. You know, I'd really recommend you check out, as they can provide much more information about the various aspects and possible symbology of the different songs. -- Huntster T@C 16:18, 12 May 2007 (UTC)

That doesnt help me out any. I went to the website but nothing. user:Bloodsource

Let me help you out with the Lithium confusion - Lithium is a mood stabilizing drug most often prescribed for people with severe mood and anxiety disorders such as bi-polar disorder type II. The upside of this drug is that over time a "therapeutic level" is reached in which the wild mood swings and abherrant behavior of those affected by mood disorders is more easily managed. The downside is that lithium tends to turn people into emotionless zombies who have a hard time relating to life and their loved ones. If you listen to the lyrics of the song, she is describing the experience of someone who is using this class of medication - take the first verse for example: "Lithium, don't want to lock me up inside. Lithium, don't want to forget how it feels without... Lithium, I want to stay in love with my sorrow. Oh, but God, I want to let it go."

She is describing the plight of a person who has a choice... take a therapeutic drug and feel nothing, but be somewhat functional, or feel life via the rollercoaster of a mood disorder. She has said in interviews that she's never taken Lithium, however, she is relating to the experience in a way that is very powerful and meaningful to those who have been affected by mood disorders. (I say that because my wife developed just such a disorder several years ago, and I've seen her go through the experience described in the song.) Hope that clears it up for you... its not a song about drug abuse, and theres no hidden demonic anagrams. 05:42, 19 May 2007 (UTC)

Well the way i feel about that is how could someone know about something unless they experience it? I would say Marlyn manson said he didnt kill anyone. We do not know these people inside. There is a such thing as a lie. I'm not saying she's took it i'm just saying it's a possibility. I would like to say why would she want to sing about a pill. DOes she have a family member that on it. Also i'm very sorry about your wife. But we all know that we are not sure if they are devil worshipers but all i'm doing is seeing the stuff that relates to devil worshipers. But now looking at the stuff i'd say there more wiccan than devil worshipers because of the pentagram. Later. User:Bloodsource

How about this: not only is lithium a medicine for Bi polar people it also a type of meth. But now that is getting off topic. PROVE ME WRONG!!!User:Bloodsource

As has been said before, it is up to the contributing editor to prove that they are correct, and not up to other editors to prove them wrong. If you can find a news article or authoritative source that says they are devil worshippers or that such negative material is a direct influence or whatever, or that...what...Lee used Lithium at some point(?), then feel free to add it to the article. Until such sources are found, anything you say here will be considered original research and point of view, both fall outside Wikipedia's acceptable standards.
Also, note that lithium isn't a type of meth, it is just a chemical used during the manufacture of methamphetamine. See Lithium#Other uses. -- Huntster T@C 01:31, 24 May 2007 (UTC)

I Just want to say thanks to all of those who has commented here. But thats not the real reason I'm here. I just want to say I have nothing at all against Satists or any other religion that's not what i'm trying to prove. I've read into the dangers of satanism which is what i'm trying to protect people from. Lets take Ac Dc for example: They influence suicide(as said in the book "satan hunter"). The dungeons and dragons game makes some people insane. I think if a band is satists they should come out and say it because it can hurt a lot of people. Like sean sellers. I dont know but I am thinking evanesence influences depression. I'm saying that as an opinion not as a personal attack. But I have a friend at school that knows about drugs and stuff like that and i asked her what lithium was and she told me it was meth. So that is where i got that from. She asked me if i wanted to see it but I said no because we were at school. So now you all know why i care about this. User:Bloodsource