Mars in Stereo (band)


Mars in Stereo is Peruvian singer/songwriter Roxx Hendel's solo music project. Debut Spacetime EP is coming out soon.



Born and raised in Lima, Peru, of German descent, Roxana moved to Boston, Massachusetts, as a teenager to study at Berklee College of Music for a couple of years, and went back to Lima where she made a solo career in Pop Rock and even starred as Mary Magdalene in the Peruvian version of the Broadway musical Jesus Christ Superstar. After a while, she left Lima again, but this time she went to Miami and Los Angeles. Roxx lived there for 5 years and finally returned to Lima with a whole new musical perspective, and finally started producing her songs. On 2015 she started recording her first EP as "Mars in Stereo" with the help of her super talented producer friend Gabriel de la Piedra. They recorded and produced most of the songs of Spacetime EP at Gabriel’s home studio, except for the song Spacetime, which was recorded and produced entirely by Roxx at her place (since she got a home studio of her own just at the end of the EP’s recordings).

Band members

  • Roxx Hendel
Performing members:

Mars in Stereo is Roxx, but she’s not alone. She’s got a super cool band, her also super talented musician friends:

  • The Villaran brothers: Cedres - lead guitar, Dani - drums, and Diego - keyboard
  • Diego Olcese - guitar
  • Nadu Arrarte - bass guitar

Musical Style


Roxx cites the following as influences while growing up: The Cure, David Bowie, Jeff Buckley, The Verve, James, The Smiths, Depeche Mode, Sigur Ros, Ben Harper.