My name is Bizhan Shaban. I was born on 01 January, 1998. I've grown up in Afghanistan. For now, I am a student in a well-known high school.  I'm a social activist. I'm helping Afghanistan people on the Internet to get their business in google map also I'm helping them on facebook on every social media sites. everyone knows me very well.

Except for schools hours, I spend almost rest of my time for social sites.

I love programming, editing, politics & music.

there's something I find pretty strange about myself. Easily, I can imagine every part of my life, every scene, has its own soundtrack fitting so perfectly, just like a movie. Do you think that's pretty interesting?? 

I just want to live the way I am. After all, my mission is that to erase all problem's such a like RACISM among all Afghan brother's & sister's I know it's quite hard but we should never give up, I hope I've inspired you guys. please submit your reviews, Take care. please make sure your in touch with me on social sites. Google profile Facebook Profile twitter account Instagram Account
