User:Birterunde/Eyde Cluster

Birterunde/Eyde Cluster
CEO at Eyde Cluster, Helene Falch Fladmark
Eyde Clusters secretariat, including the board leader, Helge Aasen

Eyde Cluster is a Norwegian cluster/network for the process industry. The Eyde Cluster is the Norwegian Centre of Expertise (NCE) for Sustainable Process Industry, working for the transition towards a sustainable future. It was founded in 2007 as an ideal organization. The members range from multinational companies delivering high quality materials to a global marked, to regional suppliers, research organizations and education institutes.

The cluster is actively developing the position as an industry with materials made from renewable energy, and with the lowest environmental footprint, to ensure competitiveness in a world that require sustainability, as provided in the Paris Agreement.

The headquarter is in Arendal and Kristiansand, in the southern part of Norway.

Eyde Cluster participate with group members in Process21, the Norwegian governmental expert group for The Norwegian process industry. The aim is to reduce emissions and lowering the energy used in production, and on the same time build a sustainable and growing industry.

[[Category:Industrial processes]] [[Category:2007 establishments]] [[Category:Organisations based in Agder]]