I am Bikash Ranjan Mallick.. I have been compelted Bachlor Of Technology in Information Technology from BPUT University Rourkela,Odisha.My Primary Schooling Carrer Spend in village that is Sri Aurobindo Integral Education Center.The rule & regulation of this school was very srtict for the students who are studying there.Surrounding of school was superb.whatever things required to build a initial carrer of a child, teachers Give here.In this school we call sir to BHAI and madam to APA.Then i went to study for my M.E and High School Near My village.In high school in the class of 10th something was happen to me which i was never expected by me specially. A shy and coward boy fall in love with a girl which was suprising all the students.Teen age wrong thing can be happen.At the age of 14 i was completed my 10th carrer then went to persuing 12th in D.D college Keonjhar.First all are new to me then everything going well.after competion my 12th i got a chance to do admission in engineering through JEE exam.I am competely Unware what is engg & what branch should taken and which college to admit.No one give me the suggestion about this.At last some of my frnds choice i was join MIET,Bhubaneswar as course of BTECH(IT).. I dont know anything about the engineering career how it goes away.after college admition when the class was started seniors are ragg to me and to my other frnds.This is happen for some months then we are comfotable with him. all z going well.Day by Day we became senior.In our BTECH carrer undergo internal, gossipng,bunk the class,dont care to teachers,picnic,late night study,bus stop incidents likewise etc..completed my Btech in 4yrs But it seems to me like 4days.It indicates time never wait for none.. Be practical enjoy the life to the rest of ur life..The biggest disapointment is we did nt get a job through our clg and adminstartion is not so good.. but i love our 4yr engg carrer which i will remember for thr rest of my carrer.Now a days searching a job is too dificult task and to know ur skill by other is important to get in.Be struggling to acheieve ur goal.

I always love to play cricket and wacth the cricket match.I am a big fan of Sachin Tendulkar.I also Like learning new things in internet or social media.

Always Be Happy And Make Another Happy