Queen Trixie the Tiger

Trixie the tiger was born a long time ago, unfortunately no one knows which date. She was found on the streets but then got rehomed to the wonderful Kemp family. She now lives her life as an obese grey tiger that likes to sleep on the couch and eat food all day.

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'Queen' Trixie the first
Trixie the tiger has many talents. She can turn the TV on by herself, change moods very quickly and purr very loudly. She also is a very good fighter and regulary likes to throw a few punches at her poor brother BeeBop. 
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BeeBop as a dog

Trixie is also very good at hiding in small spaces such as:

  • under the bed
  • behind the TV,
  • under sofas,
  • under tables
  • and many more.
She doesn't go outside much but when she does SHE LOVES IT. Trixie lives a whole year under the bed, sleeping and occasionally coming out to eat and poop. 

Her poops smell very bad.

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Bella and Queen Trixie the tiger the first