
Citation: Extreme sport

Rhetorical Notation: Genre, Purpose, Audience, Exigency: The genre is informational. The purpose of the article is its trying to help the reader understand everything related to extreme sports. The audience is anyone wants to learn more about extreme sports and what really goes on in your body when doing these activities. The exigency is give the reader an overview on the topic. It addresses all type of information needed to understand everything involved in extreme sports.

Summary/Evaluation: This article jumps into extreme sports, more commonly known as action or adventure sports, which involve someone with high-risk and very important gear. The article talks about the origins and definitions of the topic, noting the association they have with adrenaline activities. The extreme sports aspect comes from activities with "high speed, height, and physical exertion." Giving the participants an adrenaline rush. The article also goes into the history of extreme sports. For example, there was a dangerous sports club that contributed to activities like bungee jumping or free falling from an airplane. They describe how extreme sports are different from traditional sports, mainly talking about the physiological effects which are, heightened dopamine, serotonin levels, and endorphins.

Why would your chosen Wikipedia article benefit from including this source as a citation and how/where would you incorporate it?

Well it would help my Wikipedia article because extreme sports have alot to do with adrenaline. The more death daring activites you do the more chemicals your body produces, which result in more adrenaline being produced. This article could really help tie the sports section together and make sure the reader knows about adrenaline and how it ties to extreme sports/activities.

Citation:Epinephrine (medication)

Rhetorical Notation: Genre, Purpose, Audience, Exigency: The gerne for this article is informational. The purpose is to educate people on the science behind adrenaline. The audience is for anyone wanting to learn more about adrenaline and what it is. The exigency is to expand more on the science behind adrenaline.

Summary/Evaluation: This whole article is about the science behind adrenaline. "Adrenaline, also known as epinephrine, is a hormone and medication which is involved in regulating visceral functions (e.g., respiration)." The article gives off lots and lots of defintions and examples as regards to how adrenaline works and how did is made. It describes when these facts were made "Extracts of the adrenal gland were first obtained by Polish physiologist Napoleon Cybulski in 1895. These extracts, which he called nadnerczyna, contained adrenaline and other catecholamines." But overall it is all about the science behind adrenaline and why it is what it is.

Why would your chosen Wikipedia article benefit from including this source as a citation and how/where would you incorporate it?

My article would benefit from this becuase it would help the reader learn more about the science behind adrenaline. Not only could they learn about what it does to your brain but also the first findings of this chemical we produce. It could really connect the adrenaline article better and add more information that could be useful.

Researching and annotating citations for my bibliography process went pretty well. My main topic has a lot of other articles that are similar and talk about the same information, but they are different in other ways. One success was that I found an article that was mainly about the science behind adrenaline, which was very helpful. There are a lot of articles out there that cover all the different sports, and all of them talk about adrenaline so that’s helpful. Overall the process went pretty smoothly, I enjoyed reading these articles as they are something that I like and am intrigued by.

You will be compiling your bibliography and creating an outline of the changes you will make in this sandbox.



Edit this section to compile the bibliography for your Wikipedia assignment. Add the name and/or notes about what each source covers, then use the "Cite" button to generate the citation for that source.



Outline of proposed changes


Click on the edit button to draft your outline.