After two years of work, a group working on a secret project called The Virtis Project complete a segment of work for several different malicious minecraft modifications/hacks, with the intent of them being used to assume control of servers without the owner's approval. Several other modifications were created as well, and sometime afterwards, these modifications ended up on the deep web. Mob_Destructor had been keeping tabs on TVP's work through their secret help forums, and managed to acquire a name-masker hack from the deep web, and used a VPN to keep himself ambigious on his chosen server target. M_D, on the target server, which is Owner's server, receives help from player Anfinious in locating and accessing the main deep web hacks to take over Owner's server. His actions are brought to the attention of Owner by Red, and finds himself killed in a battle. Owner respawns and tells Red Anfinious is suspicious due to being around him often. At a jail on the outskirts of the city, an inmate called PottyMit_99, better known as Gold, collects parts to construct a bow and crafting table, enabling him to escape during a cell inspection, and scavenges a helmet from a guard. Gold sprints past Frost, another prisoner, and Anfinious, recently imprisoned by Owner on suspicion of working with a hacker. Now in possession of the deep web hacks, Mob_Destructor takes over the server, wrecking havoc across the main city, resulting in many player's demise in the new hardcore-enabled world. A faction of players who live in the snowbiome are attacked and killed, and the sole survivor: Calious, escapes. Owner escapes via a mine track, finding himself de-opped in the process, and decides to depart the server. Simultaneously, Red, having met with Gold, explore a secret path underground within reach of the spawn point. In search of resources, Red unearths a chestplate and some leggings from a chest, but the duo find themselves vulnerable to a lava cave-in. Luckily, Gold and Red retreat to the surface, almost becoming prey to some oncoming creepers. As they reunite at the spawn point after escaping death, player Trock joins, completely oblivious to the current situation. Mob Destructor, having reduced the player count to as few as he pleases, switches up his game.

Having being introduced to M_D, Trock, Red and Gold, attempt to stop him with the support of their newfound friends Calious and Friendly. Eventually, the crew entrap Mob_Destructor, forcing him to surrender, however, he plays along and pretends to turn over a new leaf. Acting now as a regular member of the server. Anfinious returns in an attempt to assist Mob_Destructor, resulting in two simultaneous battles between Trock and Mob_Destructor and Gold, Red and Anfinious. The former ends with M_D trapping Trock within a mod-protected room, whilst the latter results in Gold and Anfinous' demise.

Unbeknowst to all, Anfinious had actually entered a portal to the Nether, within the depths of a pit he plummeted into. Having escaped the room, Trock reunites with the team and new player Perfume_Crandy in order to protect a village from zombies via a wall, in return for information on the player Frost, M_D's former ally who has taken refuge in the Nether. Mob_Destructor builds a factory and forces other survivors of the server into labour for his own amusement. Frost attacks the factory and in retaliation, M_D sends the slaves into the Nether. Most slaves get killed in the Nether from traps and mobs, and a ghast shoots Frost off the castle, killing him once he hits the bottom. M_D soon learns that Frost recovered Anfinious' body, and used mods to establish and NPC army of him. He utilises the army to his own advantage, and is able to fully command them.

With his new army, M_D commands them to construct a round ship called the Death_Destructor, which he planned to launch with the zeppelin plugin. With the village protected, but no information on Frost, the heroes Trock, Red, Friendly, Calious and Perfume Crandy travel to a nearby church, where Red and Perfume Crandy, having fallen in love, get married. The wedding is cut short by an Anfinious NPC that attempts to kill Red. Nonetheless, the NPC is fended off by the group, allowing the wedding to be concluded. Following the completion of M_D's ship, the initial launch takes place, only for an ambiguous player to ignite uncounted amounts of explosives, tearing the ship in half as if plummets into the terrain. Returning to the server, Owner finds himself stripped of his privileges, and is confronted by M_D. To make Owner his personal slave, M_D tempts him with the offer of returning the server, should he comply. Owner accepts and turns on the team, using the Wither in an attempt to kill them, which ultimately fails.

M_Ds friend Meetin' also works with Owner to eliminate the crew. By this time, Microsoft purchase Minecraft, before accidentally activating a scrapped update, releasing a wreckless Herobrine into the game. Herobrine infects the server, removes M_Ds power and slays him. Soon enough, Trock, Friendly, Red and Perfume Crandy remain as the only survivors whilst Calious, M_D, Meetin' and Owner were all eliminated by Herobrine. On the journey to stop the monster, a brief battle ensues against him inside the remains in the Death Destructor. Perfume Crandy comes out victorious, having collected the Herobrine orb moments after his death. In fear of him returning soon, the four rush towards Herobrine's base which Trock saw earlier.

Using the orb, they are granted access inside, but just as soon as the beast respawns and takes Crandy's life. In a hefty chase, the trio dash further into the base and all step on a pressure plate, eradicating Herobrine for good from the server and rewarding Trock, Red and Friendly with Operating Power. Soon afterwards, they resurrect their dead friends, including Meetin' and Owner, as well as the servers dead players (though it is not known if Anfinious or Frost were resurrected). Apologising for their actions, Owner and M_D come to terms, as the server is peacefully restored to its former state, as Microsoft remove Herobrine and the deep web hacks.

Sometime later, the server is reverted to the prologue era by a nortoious hacking group named Virtis, currently beginning the process of assuming control of several servers and games to control it under their order. As a result of reverting the server as part of testing their commands, M_D's operating powers are restored, due to the server being reverted to the point where MD had just become an operator. This time however, this console had a new command, allowing him to pass on the server to other players on a list should he be banned. He adds Frost and Anfinious to the list and reverts to his evil ways. Virtis soon realise M_D back in control. Before any player joins, their original actions during the prequels are controlled by AI in replication. Owner discovers the server is in jeopardy, and by accessing the console which he can now only view, sees M_D, Frost and Anfinious as OPs. To counteract this, Owner goes to Planet Minecraft and hires Titan 309, an old server regular, to deal with M_D, Frost and Anfinious, and consults Mojang with removing M_D's powers.

After Trock, Gold and Red, controlled by AI encounter M_D during the replicated events of Season 1, the real three players join and take control. M_D attempts to force them to work for him, but discovers he is drained of his powers, as unbeknowsnt to everyone, Virtis stripped him of OP as their intention wasn't to help him. Mob Destructor is then killed by player Titan_309. He explains he is on a mission, but doesn't explain what, however, he urges the three to join him. As the quest continues, Titan explains he had previously encountered Calious, before season 1, and tasks themselves with locating him. Meanwhile, Anfinious, who is now in prison due to the revert, writes a diary entry to express his feelings towards Mob_Destructor's recent demise, finding himself unable to fathom how the hacks failed him. With a thirst for vengeance, he swears to form an army to take down the heroes.

On the quest for Calious, the group take heavy fire from a player housed at a large tree, who is infact Frost. In retaliation, Titan engages in a battle against him, resulting in Frost's retreat into the Nether. Ontop of the tree, Titan unearths a chestplate from a chest, and decides to save it. Titan calls the other three to follow him into the Nether to eliminate Frost. Inside the Nether, Trock and Red are assigned to watch the ground, whilst Titan and Gold venture through the lava, equipped with fire resistant potions, towards a giant Nether fortress, where Titan believes Frost is possibly hiding.

The duo locate Frost at the other end of the bridge, and engage in a brief battle, sending Gold plummeting down into the lava. A Ghast shoots at portions of the bridge, sending Frost down into the lava likewise, but survives under the influence of an enchanted golden apple. Alive, Gold retreats to land in fear of losing the fire resistance soon. As Titan and Frost resume the fight from different heights, Frost retreats underneath the lava, before the main crew reunite and decide to venture down a dark path in the fortress, leading them through another portal toward a guardian temple, littered with the vicious guardians. Under threat, Titan leads the crew under water to kill the elder guardian. In the process, Gold goes missing, as the remaining trio surface at a nearby island. They encounter Frost, and after a brief battle ensues, he retreats on a boat, influencing Titan to follow him. Approaching a nearby island, Frost flees into a cave, and Titan follows him. TNT is ignited, blocking off the cave's entrance with rubble, preventing Trock, Gold (who has reunited with the crew, with the explanation that he left the scene to prevent his own death) and Red from entering. Above the cave, the trio encounter Calious, who reveals Frost was a mass griefer prior to the takeover, and was planned to be banned by Owner, but didn't get the chance to before Mob Destructor's uprising. A brief duel occurs beneath the surface. Frost destroys Titan's armour, and prepares to finish him, only to find Calious behind him, who swiftly stabs him in the back, killing him. With a lack of armour, Titan equips the Golden chestplate he found earlier, but is shocked to see Calious shot in the head, killing him instantly. Titan, and the other three, pursue the killer, whom Titan's learns is the third and final member of his hit list.

The Third Target, reveals himself from the shadows as Anfinious. To protect the others, Titan orders the other three down the cave, before challenging Anfinious. As the duel resumes, a creeper intervenes, immobilising Titan, enabling Anfinious to escape to the surface and toward a desert pyramid. Titan pursues him, and enters the trap room below the pyramid, but unwillingly activates the trap, igniting tons of TNT. In shock, Titan is oblivious to Anfinious creeping up behind him, who swiftly stabs in the back through his chestplate before fleeing. Simultaneously, Trock, Gold and Red discover a book authored by Anfinious, and decide to catch up to him. The trio arrive at the pyramid trap room, only sheer moments after Titan is stabbed. Titan, seemingly accepting of his inevitable demise, asks of the other three to gear up and kill Anfinious, for the good of the server, before dying himself. Trock, Red and Gold proceed to loot the remains of the destroyed chests. Red gives Trock his chestplate, who has just looted Titan's diamond sword, and Gold unearths 6 diamonds to make a sword for himself and Red. In search of Anfinious, the trio travel through a large corridor used by Anfinious, which leads them to his large base, consisting of wool stairs and a giant hole in the ground. Gold tours up the large set of stairs, but only to find Anfinious at its peak. Anfinious attacks Gold with TNT, destroying a part of the platform sending him down to the ground, ultimately destroying his helmet. Having heard the clashes of swords, Trock and Red rush up the stairs, but Red is also sent plummeting into the ground when Anfinious launches TNT in his direction. With his friends in no condition to fight, Trock takes up the fight against Anfinious, alone.

As the two prepare for battle, Anfinious reveals his possession of a diamond chestplate, and the fight ensues as Trock leaps across to his enemy. Red and Gold rush toward the fight, just as Trock has been disarmed, but in rescue, Red throws his wooden shovel in Trock's direction, allowing him to smash it across Anfinious' head, sending him down into the giant hole and into the void. Curious at the lack of a death message, Gold remembers Owner utilised it as a gateway to the Nether, swaying the three to jump in after him. Upon arrival in the Nether dimension, they find themselves infront of tons of TNT placed by Anfinious, who takes shelter at a bridge. Anfinious ignites the TNT, but Trock remembers he looted three enderpearls from Titan, and gives them to the others, allowing them to teleport behind Anfinious and kick him toward the explosion, killing him. The console, now back in Owner's possession, teleports the three back to the over world in the city, as hardcore is removed and all the past players rejoin, except MD, Frost and Anfinious, who have all been banned. Trock is shocked to see Titan and Calious greet him, but Owner joins the game explaining he has regained control of the server and has removed hardcore mode, thus allowing Titan and Calious to respawn. To discover the truth, Trock asks Owner what has happened, to which he explained MD's hacks locked the server until his "chosen protected players" were killed, these being MD, Frost and Anfinious. He then reveals he asked Mojang to remove MD's hacks, much to their success, and then searched on planet minecraft for a player willing to eliminate the "protected three", and Titan was the first to speak up. Titan, Red, Calious and Trock then walk away to help the other citizens rebuild the city, but Gold remains stood infront of Owner, ready to receive his punishment for escaping the prison back in the prequels, as it was never brought up throughout all seasons due to the battles going on. However, Owner declares it no longer matters, and rewards the five with operating privileges. As the server returns to its original state, player Friendly joins for the first time.

Over the course of the next three months, Trock hid several operating supplies in preparation for any sort of server emergency. Virtis fully assume control of the server, deleting everyone's player data, and placing player Razer63 in charge with restricted operating powers while they go to take over other servers. Razer then forms an army, either through force or deception, and all share the same skin to signify their unity, killing any opposing players. After being on a blacklist for three weeks, Trock, Red and Gold finally rejoin. The climb a hill to look over the destroyed and looted city, before a player called TubMetalKey sneaks up behind Trock and strikes him with one of his two swords, sending Trock down the side of the hill and landing at a lower point of the hill. Red fights with Tub over his left hand sword, and Gold is kicked back when he tries to grab his right hand sword, allowing Tub to attempt to strike Red with his other sword, only for Red to counter this by grabbing it resulting in a power struggle over the swords. Gold gets up and trips up Tub who falls down the hill toward Trock, with Red then dropping the sword he snatched from Tub down to Trock. A brief battle between Tub and Trock ensues with Trock being overpowered by Tub easily, with his sword flying out of his hand and up toward Gold, who is sliding down the hill. As soon as Tub goes to kill Trock, Gold grabs Trock's sword and jumps down onto the platform, lodging the sword into the side of Tub's head in the process, killing him. After Tub's corpse falls off the hill, the trio discover hardcore is back, and speculate the server has been taken over by Virtis, a hacking group recently in the news for taking over the gaming community. More players with the same skin as TubMetalKey then appear at the bottom of the hill, looking up at Trock, Red and Gold ready to engage.

The mysterious gang all begin to climb the hill, while some stay back setting up TNT cannons whilst firing arrows. Only armed with one Iron Sword looted from TubMetalKey, the trio Trock, Red and Gold attempt to come up with a plan in haste. After a TNT block destroys part of the hill, dropping blocks of dirt and stone, Trock devises a plan, and sends Red to collect all the dirt and stone rubble, before digging down into the hill and effectively building a tunnel toward one of the cannons. Confused, the gang all go to the mountain to find the trio, as soon as they dig up to a cannon and set up a small wall infront of the cannon made of the dirt and stone Red looted. Red then fires multiple TNT blocks at the hill, killing several players in the gang, whilst being defended from their arrows via the wall. Red then runs out of TNT, and the gang fight back using another TNT cannon, which destroys a tree allowing Red to loot its wood, before fleeing off with Trock and Gold. The gangs leader, named Razer63 questions one of the gang why the trio are still alive, to which he responds "we tried". Frustrated, Razer uses operating commands to spawn a diamond sword and kills the gang member with by cramming the sword through his head, before ordering the rest to pursue the trio. The trio are in a cave, where Red has made two stone swords thanks to the wood he looted, and gives one to Trock. They descend some stairs and find a prison, and much to their shock find Mob Destructor imprisoned.

Mob Destructor explains what happened with Virtis' take over and the situation with Razer63 and his army, searching for Trock, Gold and Red's operating supplies they created and hid between Season Five and Season Six. The trio free M_D from his cell, needing any help they can get to prepare and retrieve the operating supplies before Razer and his army can. Meanwhile in the destroyed city, a player desperately tries looting anything he can, before Razer63 shoots and kills him with a bow, killing any not in his army. A member of his army informs him they are struggling to find the former operators, only to be scolded by Razer. As Trock, Gold, Red and M_D dig for items in a cave, they are attacked by mobs as soon as Razer and the army find traces of them at the underground prison, leading them to locate and surround the crew.

Owner, Calious and Friendly having witnessed Razer63's army pursue Trock, Red and Gold, search the plains biome for them. Beneath the surface in the wide open cave, Razer announces two of his men are at the location of the operating supplies, Calious' original home, and orders his men to hold swords over Trock, Red, Gold and Mob Destructor ready for the signal to murder them. Calious, Owner and Friendly dig down to the prison block, where Owner explores Mob Destructor's open cell and hides there when Razer's men run up the stairs and capture Friendly and Calious. Watching their capture through the nametags above the cave, Gold runs out of hope, however Trock, seemingly aware of something that would delay their execution, displays faith that they won't be killed. Red and Mob Destructor notice Trock's confidence. Recieving no answer from the supply searching team, Razer orders the execution, just as he is reported back to, with the revelation that the location of the supplies is false. Angered by this, Razer hastily orders the men to stop the execution, and ten seconds later, Owner digs into the cave from the ceiling, igniting TNT inside the cave.

Razer63 halts the execution of Trock, Red, Gold and Mob Destructor in order to interrogate them for the true location of the supplies. Just then, Owner digs into the cave, igniting tons of TNT effectively freeing the four, who run back out the prison and to the surface. Owner stays in the prison to free Calious and Friendly, but are locked in the cell by an army member. The trio then dig to the surface. Trock, Red, Gold and M_D run for the city, where Trock had hidden the co-ordinates to the supplies. He soon reveals he managed to decieve them with a book somewhere in the main city falsely pinpointing the location, and speculates they found out about the supplies in the first place because Virtis leaked their PMs.

The four come under fire from the city's artillery cannon manned by Razer. red builds a wall to shield themselves, but to no avail when Razer destroys the wall with the cannon. Once at the surface, Owner reveals he looted a slime block from a dead army member, and says he previously installed a plugin to greatly enhance them. He jumps on the block, sending him flying toward the city. Before landing, he throws a TNT block at the cannon, destroying it, causing water to leak from it, which Owner uses to land safely. He then engages Razer directly in a sword fight. Overwhelmed and at near defeat, Razer spawns in a second diamond sword, and stabs Owner to death, just as the rest of the crew approach the enterance to the city.

Trock, Red, Gold, Calious, Friendly and Mob Destructor run into the city intending to retrieve the co-ordinates to the operating supplies. They are cornered into a house by Razer63's men, who orders more men to man the TNT cannons. A cannon shot destroys part of the ground sending Friendly into the underground tunneling system, where he is pursued by two army members. Trock and Calious go to flip three hidden switches to open the doors to the co-ordinates, while M_D and Gold hold the army off with walls, while Red goes to kill each player at the cannons. M_D and Gold become surrounded by army members at all four sides of the wall boxing them in, however, they shelter underground as Red shoots TNT from the cannons at the wall, killing all the army members in that area. M_D and Gold reconcile with Trock and Calious who enter the co-ordinate room, containing two adjacent chests. Meanwhile, Friendly, still pursued by two army members, digs up the stone above him, allowing gravel to crush and kill both army members. One of the co-ordinate chests was sitting on the gravel above, which fell through, releasing the book in the process, allowing Friendly to retrieve a copy of the co-ordinates. Trock isn't concerned at the loss of a book, as they both contain the same co-ordinates. Trock takes the other book and then they all flee the city, but underground Friendly is captured and taken to Razer's base underground. Friendly refuses to give up the location, so Razer kills him and loots the book, discovering the true co-ordinates.

A day later, Trock, Red, Gold, Calious and Mob Destructor are heading toward the co-ordinates in an underground jungle tunnel, when Razer63 and his fleet of ships powered by the server's zeppelin plugin arrive at the jungle, Razer furiated at the 10,000 block distance of the supplies. After noticing the nametags of the former operators underground, Razer sends his men to attack. They breach the tunnel and attack from all angles, before a TNT explosion sends M_D, Gold and Red down further into a small cave, pursued. Trock and Calious dig up. While being chased out of the cave, Red is shot in the arm, and rejoins M_D and Gold in running out of the cave, before Razer shoots TNT from his cannon on the ship at them, causing a jungle fire. Then M_D and Gold shoot Razer's men about to shoot and kill Trock and Calious in the temple. After the five reconcile, they decide to escape the fire in a small ship, with a cannon, left behind by an army member. They board the ship and shoot down Razer's ship before fleeing, with an irritated Razer promising to get them.

Razer63 is recovered from the burning jungle by three army members in a ship, and after witnessing Razer murder one in anger, the other two begin comtemplating their loyalty to him. Razer commands them to speed up to ship, where they eventually catch up to Trock, Red, Gold, Calious and Mob Destructor in a forest biome. After exchanging TNT, the two ships crash at the spiked ice biome which houses the supplies, and the two army members fall off the ship and land of a tree far back, finally deciding to leave Razer due to him failing to deliver to promise of freedom and essentially using the army for his own benefit. The two halt the majority of the army and persuade them to abandon Razer's rule. At the crash site, Razer is attacked by the two army members, and then shot twice by one of the former operators, before Trock pushes him off the cliff. Razer presumably survives as the last frame he's in shows him with a totem of undying. The two members catch up to the former operators explaining their motives, wanting the former operators, the rightful owners, to acquire the suppllies. They then however explain the remainder of the army have betrayed Razer and are pursuing the supplies for themselves in several of their own tribes, causing an all out war. The two army members are then killed before the others run off.

In a scene of all out war, Trock, Red, Gold, Calious and Mob Destructor approach the temple built ontop the supplies, which are surrounded by obsidian. Trock and MD go to find another way around while Calious, Red and Gold attack the players at the temple head on to prevent them from digging into the temple. Though shortly successful, the trio become outnumbered and fall back. Trock and MD fall back into a house, and are attacked by two players, which they successfully kill and loot their diamond pickaxes, using them to break into the obsidian bunker. Before activating a bridge to cross the big gap between them and the supplies. MD attacks Trock, revealing to have decieved him all along in an attempt to get the supplies for himself and rule the server again. Before he can kill Trock, the latter pushes him into the pit and activates the bridge, trapping MD inside as he yells in anger and curses. Trock approaches the supplies, but Titan 309 digs up through the floor, with the two surprised to see each other.

Trock and Titan 309 reconcile, with Titan explaining his presense and motives, before the two gear up using the operating supplies, only for Mob Destructor to intervene, having escaped the pit via mining and picked up some supplies from the chest. Using a nether portal block, Mob Destructor sends the pair to the Nether, before going to the top of the temple, where he declares himself the leader yet again. Virtis leaders Perseus, Yldir and Nodis then join the server, explaining they have arrived to take a break from taking over servers and want to let off some steam by slaughtering players on the first server they acquired. They begin a huge onslaught, stabbing players, causing explosions and using their own modifications to emit lightning and lava from their hands. Several army members die, and Red, Gold and Calious flee, but not before Nodis zaps Calious, killing him. In the Nether, Titan tells Trock they cannot beat the Virtis leaders, and have lost.

Having finished their killing spree, Virtis leaders Perseus and Nodis leave to acquire more servers, and Yldir decides to stay a while, appointing Mob Destructor as his henchman. In the nether, Titan 309 tells Trock about the work of Anti Virtis and Yldir being the weakest link, but still believes Virtis will never be defeated. Underground, Red and Gold lament on the death of Calious, before Yldir teleports Mob Destructor to them. After a brief battle, M_D decides to banish the duo to the nether, where they meet with Trock and Titan, with the four deciding to unite one last time and bring down Mob Destructor to give him one last sense of defeat, even if Yldir can just bring him back.

Mob Destructor requests for Yldir to spawn a Wither at the location of the former operators in the Nether; Trock, Red, Gold and Titan 309 evade several mobs pursuing them, and briefly battle the wither as they build a bridge across the fortress to the nether portal on the other side. In the overworld they are launched out of the void hole and proceed to the spiked ice biome in a ship. Mob Destructor commands the remains of Razer63's army after them causing a short war, in which the heros attempt to advance to the temple housing the operating supplies. With most of the army now killed, Yldir initiates a new power allowing him to rip open the world around him, effectively splitting the crew up. Having fell down a ravine, Red and Gold agree to use the bedrock Trock previously gave them to fulfill a task for him, while Titan goes to look for Trock. 

Trock lures Yldir into the supply cave where Trock convinces him to fight him properly without hacks and in survival mode, with the loser leaving the server forever. Out of pity for his presumed victory over Trock, Yldir grants Trock one last wish, in which Trock tells him to announce to Mob Destructor to remove all his supplies and proceed to a dirt shack at specific co-ordinates. Trock and Yldir fight, and after five minutes Yldir comes out victorious, having easily overpowered his opponent before kicking him to the ground as he declares Virtis unstoppable. In an ironic twist, the FBI are then heard through Yldir's microphone breaking down his door and apprehending him, before his connection is cut off. Titan enters the cave and leaves with a shocked Trock as they go to reunite with Gold and Red. Two days later, it's announced Anti-Virtis traced Yldir through complicated measures thanks to Titan informing them he was on the server, and then back in the server, Trock, Red, Gold and Titan go to the dirt shack housing Mob Destructor, as they cover the front enterance in bedrock leaving a one hole gap. Mob Destructor then tries digging in every direction out of the shack, and much to his horror finds the entire thing is secretly coated in bedrock, thanks to Gold and Red. Confused as to why they didn't just kill him, Mob Destructor asks why, with Gold explaining in irony how he should "suffer in a server he no longer controls", a quote said by M_D previously. As the heroes wander off, Mob Destructor rages.

Two months later, Yldir had been interrogated to the point where he gave up the location of Perseus and Nodis, with all three going to serve life in prison. The gradual process of all gaming servers being restored begins, and Owner regains control returning the server to normal.