User:Baybra Million/Edlexia

EDLexia is when the education system is backwards and people suffer in different ways depending on the negligence or abuse involved.

The term EDLexia or EdLexia (ed-Lex-ia) was coined by Barbara Miller in 2003 after many years of searching for and defining a hidden handicap. At age five in grade one it was reported and documented she would be marked modified by the education system. This in fact means denied access to the academic school system. Over the span of two elementary and two high schools not one teacher challenged the grade one diagnosis. With an obvious ability to write the teachers continued to give the student "A" Marks. Learning how to spell wrong and getting a good mark for it is only one of the many ways damage was done.

Miller continues to suffer with two sets of English one modified and one academic. In her words they both look correct. She challenged the education system and demanded to see the academic work she was denied and returned to take a college program, Adult Basic Education, where she learned that for many years she had been spelling incorrect. In her twenties looking for unskilled work she wanted to just lie and say she had dyslexia but it wasn't true. Nor was the diagnoses that was made at age five while a Ward of the Court. With evidence the term used today would be education malpractice. Partly due to teachers not being trained to make such diagnoses as they are not medically trained.

Many years after getting her academic grade 12 and publishing a book she continued to seek a term that could let the public know that making simple spelling mistakes does not mean one is "stupid" or a dummy as called as a child.

Seeking only a term she describes what happened to a physiatrist hoping for a name for this issue. She believes without a name "It" didn't happen and the silence will continue. 

After hearing this unbelievable story the good Dr says, "Quite frankly I don't know how you made it this far." he writes the letter of evidence as request and his findings are she suffers with an educational deficit Italic text This was an obvious fact but the Dr. did not have a term that would set out to explain the "loss" or the imposed handicap from such an indoctrination. Miller continued to search her heart and mind that would educate the public with one word that says so much like dyslexia does.

The word ED come from Education Deficit (ED) and is also known for Education (Ed)

people with dyslexia see letters in words backwards 

EDLexia is when the education system is backwards and people suffer in different ways depending on the negligence or abuse involved.

Miller seeks to break the silence and to find others with similar circumstances and to have the Ministry of Education to make resources available to help with damages. Italic text

Miller is ready to talk and she says, It's time to tell (blog)

Dear Wikipedia I need some help with this being a good page I don't know how to do links. can someone help me with finishing this page? not sure why the italic text words show??? Open so all suggestions on this new word being listed here.

