I've come to the conclusion that all outsiders of Wikipedia, despite a willingness to contribute, are screwed from the get-go. There are people who literally guard their pages with such ferocity, it's difficult to help them, as it's simply not their way.

I can picture the opinions flying through their heads: "I don't like that. I'll delete it."

I feel it damn near takes an act of congress to help a page look better. And the contributions themselves are in no way inconvenient, noncontextual, or unsatisfying, save the puppyguarding author who doesn't like other people touching their stuff. I feel when the regulations and rules for Wikipedia get this stringent or opinionated, we have already missed the goal that it was positing. Although I can't justify never using this site again, I will not be editing/contributing, for fear that you moderators/administrators will be deleting it within hours.

Thanks for making this unfun.