Creator of the first Doiley in 1916 during world war 1, Barbra Balstavisun was a nurse working in a Polish hotpital, during this time Balstavisun cured many injured and wounded German soldiers, she won a award for her skills in the medical wing and her role in saving the life of a German captain after Verdun. After the war Barbra went into knitting and home design in a little village in her home town 'Stâbratoffska' in the east of the Netherlands, during this time Barbra entered into many home design competitions which she for the most part unfortunately lost due to her chair being too bland. This is when Barbra had the idea for the 'Doiley'. Barbra cut a small piece of colourful fabric and draped it over the back rest of her chair, next competition she entered was the biggest in Europe the 'Oustavitz potrizabl' which is Dutch for 'Georgeous Fabrics'. Barbra took first place in this competition all because of her invention the Doiley or as it was known at the time the BarbStivisum. Barbra was soon called by a man named Richard Doiley who bought the invention and sold it throughout America! The Doiley was such a hit that Richard Doiley expanded operations world wide and soon became the number one and only supplier of Doileys world wide!