Garry "Baltho" Freer

Allo. If you want to have a look at my home web site, you can! Go to [1] and knock yourself out!

My web site is a continual work-in-progress - where I play with technologies to see how they'll fly. This means you could find either something fabulous, or something that doesn't work, probably both!

I'm a keen FLOSS user/advocate, and everything you see there is driven by a flavour of GNU/Linux. At the moment it's Xubuntu, as my PC is over 5 years old and therefore needs the X in front of the (fabulous) Ubuntu. G'donyer, Mr Shuttleworth!

I'm especially interested in (a) not finishing this paragraph with an exclamation mark! and (b) FLOSS in the education sector - I've worked there for many years and strongly believe that source code must be open to be educational. If that's not a tautology, I don;t know what is...