User:Balloonman/AfD/List of deaths in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows/article

After the Battle of Hogwarts, 54 of those killed opposing Voldemort were laid out in the Great Hall of Hogwarts.

In addition, a family of Muggles are killed by Voldemort, or on his orders, though it could have just been for fun, as "River" (Lee) says that after the fall of the ministry muggle killing is becoming nothing more than recreation , and several Gringotts goblins and wizards are killed by Lord Voldemort.

Also, Harry Potter is momentarily stunned by Lord Voldemort. However, his body is preserved by an accidentally created Horcrux-like spell within Voldemort, and his love for his friends and family helps him to choose to return and defeat Voldemort.

The characters' deaths are listed in chronological order.

Character Killed by Cause of death Notes Independent reference
Charity Burbage Voldemort Avada Kedavra Gathering of Death Eaters at Malfoy Manor
Hedwig A Death Eater Avada Kedavra The flight from Little Whinging
Mad-Eye Moody Voldemort Avada Kedavra
Rufus Scrimgeour Unknown Unknown During attack on the Ministry
Unnamed German-speaking woman and her family Voldemort Avada Kedavra At Gregorovitch's former residence
Gregorovitch Voldemort Avada Kedavra For not giving Voldemort information on the Elder Wand
Bathilda Bagshot Unknown Unknown Godric's Hollow. Body used as a disguise by Nagini to lie in wait for Harry Potter
Ted Tonks Snatchers Unknown The search for Muggle-borns and Blood Traitors
Dirk Cresswell
Peter "Wormtail" Pettigrew Indirectly killed by Voldemort (Pettigrew's silver hand, given to him by Voldemort, strangles him after he repays his life debt to Harry Potter) Strangulation Escaping Malfoy Manor (Death Eater Headquarter)
Gellert Grindelwald Voldemort Avada Kedavra Nurmengard prison. Coincides with the escape from Malfoy Manor
Dobby Bellatrix Lestrange Impaled by Bellatrix's hurled knife Escape from Malfoy Manor
Vincent Crabbe Himself (by accident) Fiendfyre The Battle of Hogwarts
Fred Weasley Unknown Explosion
Remus Lupin Unknown; Last seen dueling Dolohov Unknown
Nymphadora Tonks Unknown; Last seen chasing after Lupin Unknown
Colin Creevey Unknown Unknown
Severus Snape Nagini (as per Lord Voldemort's order) Exsanguination from Nagini's bite
Nagini Neville Longbottom Decapitated
Antonin Dolohov Professor Flitwick Unknown
Bellatrix Lestrange Molly Weasley Took a Spell to the chest above the heart (no spell named)
Lord Voldemort Himself (accidentally when dueling Potter) Avada Kedavra (Spell Backfired)