Born: 30th November 1996 Hometown:Makurdi,Benue State, Nigeria Place of Birth: North Bank Makurdi Schools attended: St mary's Nur/Pri Sch.. Goodnews Sec Sch. North Bank..,Fastlink computer institue MKD Religion: Christianity(Catholic) Hobies: Playing/watching football, gisting

Bagu Simon Terkimbi was born to the family of Chief Mr.and Mrs.Nicodemus Nyinongo Bagu of Mbagune, a native of Nyiev on the 30th day of November 1996. He hail from,North Bank Ward2,Makurdi Local Government area of Benue state,Nigeria. He attended The then St.Stephen's Nursery and primary school from 2000-2003(nusery school). He then proceeded to St. Mary's Science Nursery and Primary School North Bank Makurdi in late 2003-2009 where he obtained his first school leaving certificate in August 2009. Because of his quest for more knowledge, he wrote the common entrance exam and having passed brilliantly he gained admission into the famous Good-news secondary Grammar school North Bank Makurdi in September 2009.Because of his hardwork and dedication, Simon Tk(as called by his classmates)was appointed the HEAD BOY of GNSGS north bank on the 9th day of may, 2014, he was indeed a good leader that made so much impact in the life of his junior students and class mates,he led with the fear of God,discipline and integrity. He completed his secondary education (o'level) in August 2015 graduating as the HEAD-BOY of the 2014/2015 session,with bright results in the WASCE, and NECO examinations. As a young man with the quest to know more about the modern world, he enrolled at Fast-link computer institute makurdi for a 3month computer certificate program and graduated successfully in December 2015.He is a practicing christian, a catholic and an active member of the Catholic Biblical Movement of Nigeria(CBMN) at St Stephen's catholic church Asase, St. Mary's parish North Bank Makurdi. He Won an award as THE BEST BIBLE READER OF THE YEAR 2015 of the CBMN Asase church in October 2015. He is also a member of the liturgical committee, of the same movement at the Church level. He is a promising young man expecting great days ahead.