Meet Mr. Harpreet Pappu a profile of world champion

Well known, as an Indian Michael Schumacher who has created history by driving his car in back gear at a speed of 85 kms per hour. He is most popular man on various internet sites and most of the people have either seen him in action practically or heard about his adventurous driving for 16250 kms for the cause of nation. It is a rare feat, which nobody has achieved in the world. He has exhibited tremendous confidence on the busy Indian roads where people are scared of driving even in forward gear, without a single mishap. He created sensation in the media worldwide, including BBC world service, because of being world greatest crowd puller Japanese came all over the way from Japan to meet this young boy 25 years age and made documentaries Doordarshan, Zee TV, Punjab Today and Aaj Tak labelled his driving mission with captivating captain national print media also highlighted his achievement in a big way. So much so, his glamour is not less than any big industrialist, film star or any political leader He is seen as a goodwill ambassador of India to Pakistan due to his national peace mission. You will agree that he is a historical person by any measure even the meaning and purpose of driving in back gear. He is a propagator of the reverse philosophy, giving a message of friendship, love, joy, peace and security for countrymen as he proved that he is safe even while driving in reverse at high speed. So, it is all in the mind soaring new heights, his incomparable grace outstanding skills and fierce determination, are hallmark of the world’s greatest road champion. He completes for the glory of becoming “FOREVER GOLD” by running a driving academy at Bathinda, Punjab and training people in skilful driving and in stilling confidence in them.