Madhukar - Enlighten Life


Madhukar – Enlighten Life, a Western branch of Jnana Yoga (the „Yoga of knowledge“), is contentually related to the philosophy of nonduality, is knowledge-oriented and aims at direct self-recognition.

In these non-dualistic traditions, „silence“ stands for timeless eternity, the source of being, in which everything comes and goes again.



Madhukar – Enlighten Life was founded and established by Advaita-Master Madhukar. Since 1997 Madhukar has been invited to share Satsang (sat = truth, sangha = community) and retreats in more than 25 countries around the world.

Madhukar’s intense presence and practical guidance has profoundly transformed the lives of many and helped some of the world’s top performers to reach a lifelong inner contentment never experienced before.[1]

Philosophical core issue


Madhukar: „Silence is the most powerful force in the universe. It is the source of beingness of everything. In silence inner peace and happiness manifest.“[2]

Madhukar – Enlighten Life with Madhukar should make it possible to find inner peace. In Satsang the teacher of consciousness or guru points at the true nature of the human being, namely peace. Madhukar: „A master empties the mind. He fills the heart.“[3]

Through guided Advaita meditation and self-enquiry or Atma-Vichara according to Madhukar one can realize that peace has always been the true inner essence of the human being.

Madhukar: „Enlightenment is possible for everyone.“[2]



Madhukar – Enlighten Life, consisting of meditative silence and guidance, are events, where the restless mind comes down. Through silence, meditation, dialogue, music, mantras and ecstatic dance, through Madhukar's presence and attention it is easy to dive into silence and experience a new harmony according to Madhukar. His clear guidance would make it possible to live this balance in everyday life.



The teaching of Madhukar – Enlighten Life should make it possible for people to meet the challenges of modern life in the 21st century as well as unfold their true potential.

Madhukar – Enlighten Life events would be an opportunity to draw strength, find lasting peace and experience deep relaxation and a higher stress tolerance as well as reach a new balance and inner calm in everyday life.

Furthermore, according to Madhukar this would make it possible to experience Sahaja Samadhi or natural enlightenment.[4]

Thus, according to Madhukar the restless mind, worrying about the past and the future, is brought back to the present and a more conscious, easier and enlightened life is made possible.

For some time now the events of Madhukar – Enlighten Life have found scientific attraction. This is how notable neuro scientist Prof. Dr. Gerald Hüther judges: „Fabulous! This lecture of Madhukar is one of the most beautiful I've ever heard!“[5]

Publication (Selection)

  • Oneness - Clarity and Joy of Life through Advaita ISBN 978-3-033-05166-9)
  • The Simplest Way, Editions India, 2nd edition, USA & India 2006, ISBN 81-89658-04-2
  • Yoga der Liebe, Ganapati Verlag, 1.Auflage 2009, ISBN 978-3-9813398-0-2
  • Einssein, Lüchow publishers, 1st edition, Stuttgart, Germany 2007, ISBN 978-3-363-03120-1
  • Erwachen in Freiheit, Lüchow publishers, 2nd edition, Stuttgart, Germany 2004, ISBN 3-363-03054-1
  • Самый простой способ, издательство Ганга, Москва 2008, 1-е издание, ISBN 5-98882-063-8.
  • La via più semplice, Om Edizioni, Bologna, ISBN 978-88-95687-22-3
  • Единство, Издательство: Ганга, 2009 г, ISBN 978-5-98882-098-7
  • Dialoger med Madhukar, GML Print on Demand AB, 2009, ISBN 978-91-86215-28-6
  • Najenostavnejša pot do razsvetljenja, Maribor 2013, ISBN 978-961-276-615-3
  • Enhet: Klarhet och Livsglädje genom Advaita, GML Förlag, 2020, ISBN 978-9179695903
  • Freedom here and now, Music-CD.
  • Garden of Love, Music-CD by Madhukar & Sofya
  • Dafna Moscati, Marco Mazzoti: Il Fiore del Nirvana. Macrolibrarsi, documentary film, Italy 2007


  1. ^ "About Madhukar - Madhukar - Enlighten Life". Retrieved 2023-01-15.
  2. ^ a b "Madhukar - Enlighten Life. Freiheit. Liebe. Glückseligkeit". Retrieved 2023-01-15.
  3. ^ Madhukar (2015). Oneness Clarity and Joy of Life through Advaita (1st ed.). p. 81. ISBN 978-3-033-05166-9.
  4. ^ Madhukar (2015). Oneness Clarity and Joy of Life through Advaita (1st ed.). ISBN 978-3-033-05166-9.
  5. ^ "Testimonials - Madhukar - Enlighten Life". Retrieved 2023-01-15.