Christopher Skibbens (1952-present)

Christopher Skibbens is a religion teacher at the Bishop McNamara Catholic High School. Students call him Skibbens, Skib-dog, Skibbens, or many other variations of his last name. As of 2014, Skibbens teaches Jesus Christ Source of our Salvation (SOS) to sophomores and teaches Sacraments to juniors. He started teaching at BMCHS in 1986.

Skibbens refers to his students by their initials. For instance, for John Davis, he would refer to him as "JD". If two students in the class have the same initials, then he will use the second letter in their last name. For instance, John Davis would be called "JaD" and Joe Dickerson would be "JiD". He doesn't always use your initials. Skibbens calls some of his students by their last name, use an inside joke, or may call them another name based on their initials. For instance, Skibbens calls Andrew Worby "Rootbeer" because of A&W rootbeer.

His students love to impersonate Skibbens because he is such a funny and strange character. Students frequently talk in a "Skibbens voice" which sounds like yawning while talking. Also Skibbens always has a toothpick in his mouth. He also pronounces some words wrong, for instance, Skibbens says the word "Pentecost" like "Pennycost".

This page was created by Andrew Worby on 10/8/14

This page is 100% factual, approved by Christopher Skibbens himself