About Me....

Hi there! I'm Lisa and I am currently a student at a College of DuPage in Glen Ellyn, Illinois.   I recently turned 50, which made me put my life into perspective... I like to measure life on a 12 inch ruler.  Each inch equaling the equivalent of 10 years.   Average life span is 80 years old (8 inches), so if you took a ruler and put your finger on the inch that represents your age, you could see how much more or less time you have in life to achieve that 8 inch mark.   Some may see more, some may see less, but as I stared at my finger on the 5 inch mark, I knew I had to make some changes to my current lifestyle, to earn more inches on that ruler!   I started eating healthier, less snacks and more fruits and vegetables.   Exercise became part of my everyday life, not as a second thought.  As I bike, lift weights and stretch in yoga, I feel myself become stronger, livelier and less stressed!  A job loss resulted in a change in career and thus, pursuing a second bachelor's degree in the medical field, nursing.   My free time is now homework and happy hour has become a special treat, twice a month, not twice a week!   HAHA Through God's grace and guidance, I will achieve my dream of a BSN and bless the lives I touch, one day at a time.  I saw this quote on a wall hanging and live by it - “ Just remember, life has no remote.  You have to get up and change it yourself”!

Favorite Quote...

Selfie of me on my 50th!

You can't go back and change the beginning, but you can start where you are and change the ending.  C.S. Lewis

On my bucket list..

New York City

Here too...


Articles I am interested in editing...

Garden pond

Peanut butter

Intermittent fasting


Acrylic painting techniques

Artificial nails