This is user account Aunoix. It is just a weird name sperating "Aun" & "Oix". This is just a made up word from just an idea from your brain. It's a simple dimple! "Aun", is pronouced just like "on", and in the mtter of fact, it like a silly name ever made. "Oix", is a never existing word, unless someone or something made it up like this person here. Another definition is that, Grade 6 boy, named Aun Rizvi, used this name first as his brand name. "Aunoix" he includes was part of his name with a cool back ending. Aun Rivzi is found at Fallingbrook Middle School during 9:00am-2:45pm. This is located at Fallingbrook Drive, near Terry Fox Way, Mississauga, Ontario, Canada. Also, Aun Rizvi was called a "nerd".