Hi, My name is Ashik Mandal. I am from a small town"Alipurduar", you can say that a small village. I am not a person who did so many type of works like anything big. Not for myself or not for my own something. But I am a man who wants to give some information or you may say who wants to say something to world.
                At first, I want to say about my own childhood. I know I am a boy now of 21 years old. But if I thought about my old days,that was really like awesome like each and every child. That was great. So, My father is Sri Sirajul Mandal, and My mother is Smt Archana Mandal. My father belongs from muslim family and my mother belongs also from there. After some days there marriage they became happy cause they did love marriage. As well as they were happy and after 1 year I came. Really I don't know may be before the right time I born. But anyhow I was happy and I was belonging from a muslim family. After some months, almost 1 year my father died. The reason behind that was, my father went to a field to played with his friends and after after some time during the game, an accident occurred. A sharp shoe of a football player kicked on his shoulder and after that big accident, he died after some days. He was in treatment.I don't know anthing more than tis about this matter,cause my mother did not say me anything more than this. But I know that there was something wrong. Forget it!! After some days my mom left her residence. And go to her own house and took me also. She was from a hindu family. But my father was not. So I think there were some problems created,I can not say properly. Cause my mother doesn't say anything to me about this matter. After 4-5 years I grew up.I can play. I can dance. I can walk. And I got my own way by my courage. From the very childhood I knew that I had to do my own work in my own way. My mom went to go to the basic training centre for learning for doing a course of primary schoolteacher. And my mom did. That course was for 1 year. I had no one at that time with me. no mom no dad. So, I cried day after day and day after day. But no one was there on those days. I went to my mom very often. And I asked her to come with me. But she refused. I came back to my home. But how I really don't know. I think I became senseless, after a long weeping. After 1 year my mom got a job. My grandpa Sri Susil Kumar Layek helped her so much. Thanks a lot for my grandpa. That he helped my mom. My mom started her job almost from 1997-1998. I grew up. And I took my admission to my school in class 1 on 1997 "Railway Higher Secondery School". School days was going on full of enjoy. So many friends were there. In 2008 I passed my Madhayamick Exam and got 1st divition. I left that school and took admission on another school"Jitpur Higer Secondery School".I got my new friends there, And got my old friends too. After 2 years on that school I passed out and got 1st divition. After 2 monts I meet with a girl and she became my girlfriend,'Priya'. I love her so much till now 27th September,2013 at 3:00 A.M.(midnight). I gave an entrance examination of Engineering. And got that. After achieving that I took admission in Malda, "IMPS COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY".College was superb. But I was not superb.I went to the hostel and got a room.I left that hostel also. And went to a mess for more comfort. After 1 year I left also that place and came to the proper Malda town for more comfort. Now I am here. And and now I am very happy. This is my final year. 2013 now. I don't know that what will happen after some months. May be I will be get a job or I will not. But I will get job. I know.
                              From today I will give almost each and every day summery to my wikipedia. SO LET'S START>>https://www.facebook.com/ashik.mandal