
Honeybees are classified in the phylum Arthopoda, class Insecta, order Hymenoptera, family Apidae, genus Apis, and species mellifera. Bees, ants, and wasps are in the group Hymenoptera which have four wings, chewing mouthparts and complete metamorphosis.

Body parts


Bees are insects, which have chitinous exoskeleton, six legs, and one pair of antennae. The bee's body parts are divided into a head, thorax, and abdomen.

The bee's head has two large compound eyes. The bee's vision is totally different than human vision. The honeybee's eye can detect all colors except for color red. The bee's mouth parts are complex. The mandibles are hanging from the head between of the mouth. It is used to handle objects such as pollen. The bee's tongue is covered by hairs.

The thorax is the middle portion of the bee's body. The body contains the legs and wings which are attached. The front legs are used to clean the eyes, head, and mouth. The middle legs are used to clean the body and wings. The hind legs are used for pollen collection. The wings are attached to the thorax. It is used for flying.

Honeybees can build nests, combs, or wax which is secreted by glands in the abdomen. The bee's abdomen contains the digestive, and reproductive organs.