ΔΓΦ - Delta Gamma Phi/Delta (Fraternity)


ΔΓΦ - Delta Gamma Phi/Delta (Fraternity) who founded by the 6 member only,

this fraternity is founded at Santa Rosa City, Laguna, on January 13, 2003,

renowned as a junior Fraternity of Triskelion (Tau Gamma Phi),

Delta Gamma Phi (ΔΓΦ) is aspiring like Triskelion ambition give service to everyone and community,

maintain the security and safety of everyone.

In the First year of this fraternity they up by hundreds of members.

and multiplied and had a different chapter in the nearby town

Nowadays this Fraternity is silent and the other members and founders was climb up to the Triskelion (Tau Gamma Phi)

and the other members was not active.

But their service is continuous and continue communicating each other from Founders and Members..

Their Slogan is "Once a Delta, Always a Delta" ....