This page is for the upcoming game "In Retrospective Of The Past" this game is similar to titles likes of OMORI. Tho this game takes some inspiration from OMORI it has many more things then OMORI tho they are similar in not having a continuation not a game one anyway.
  I have a saying "To make something perfect you have to combine something good and something almost perfect" and "I never strived for perfection I strived for the human perfection this is a skill that you learn over time observing people and its strong point is the authenticity that humans have in making something.".
  Let's talk about the RNGesus factor there are 2 of them Story and Game story RNGesus affects how your cutscenes play the Game RNGeus factor works similar to the WTF value from OMORI. The combat in the game is turn based like any rpg and the typings are Imagination > Reality > Bravery > Imagination since Imagination can shatter reality Reality shatters someone's bravery and you need bravery in order to escape delusion. Every character has their own weapon but all have unique items and there's millions of ways to engage!
  This game is still in very early access so this page will be filled by the community soon!