


fr:Discussion Utilisateur:Ucucha Bird fauna of Japan on postage stamps

This page identifies and classifies the birds found in Japan and featured on japanese stamps and by some other countries showing japanese sceneries on their postage stamps.

Each species name is followed by the chronological list of postage stamps featuring it, with the date of issue, value, and catalogue numbers (M = Michel, Sc = Scott, SG = Stanley and Gibbon, YT = Yvert et Tellier)

Family classification follows Sibley, Monroe and Ahlquist.

  • Phasianidae
    • Jungle fowl (Gallus gallus)
      1950, 5 y. (long-tailed)
      1973, 50 y. (by J. Ito)
      1988, 60 y. (International Congress)
    • Japanese pheasant (Phasianus versicolor) - Japanese kiji
      1978, 100 y. (detail of door painting)
    • Copper pheasant (Syrmaticus soemmerringii) - Japanese yamadori
      1961, 80 y. (with Nippon)
      ?, 80 y. (without Nippon)
    • Blue peacock (Pavo cristatus)
      1975, 50 y. (after K. Ogata)
    • Rock ptarmigan (Lagopus mutus japonicus) - Japanese raichô
      1963, 10 y.
      9/10/1990, ?
  • Anatidae
    • Whistling swan (Cygnus columbianus jankowskii) - Japanese ko-hakuchô
      1/10/1990, ? (Miyagi prefecture)
    • Mute swan (Cygnus olor) - Japanese kobu-hakuchô
      1971, 5 y.
    • White-fronted goose (Anser albifrons frontalis) - Japanese ma-gan
      15/9/1946, 1,30 y.
      1/9/1947, 4 y.
      1993, ? (Ansner instead of Anser)
    • Graylag goose (Anser anser rubrirostris) - Japanese haiiro-gan
      ?, 8
    • Snow goose (Anser caerulescens hyperboreus) - Japanese haku-gan
      15/9/1946, 1,30 y.
      1/9/1947, 4 y.
    • Bean goose (Anser fabalis) - Japanese hishikui
      1875, 12 s.
    • Brant (Branta bernicla orientalis) - Japanese koku-gan
      1949, 8 y.
    • Hutchins goose (Branta hutchinsii leucopareia) - Japanese shijûkara-gan
      25/11/1983, 60 y.
    • Baikal teal (Anas formosa) - Japanese tomoe gamo
      1993, ?
      25/5/2001, ?
    • Wigeon (Anas penelope) - Japanese hidori-gamo
      1/2/2001, 50 y.
    • Spot-billed duck (Anas poecilorhyncha zonorhyncha) - Japanese karu-gamo
      1992, 90 y.
      1994, 90 y. (SG 2223)
    • Mandarin duck (Aix galericulata) - Japanese oshidori
      1952, 5 y.
      1985, 60 y. (traditional handicraft)
      1992, 41 y.
      1993, 62 y.
      1998, 110 y. (YT 2473)
  • Picidae
    • White-backed woodpecker (Dendrocopos leucotos owstonii) - Japanese ô-aka-gera
      1984, 60 y. (SG 1742)
    • Black woodpecker (Dryocopus martius) - Japanese kumagera
      Liberia, 1971, 3 c. (Hokkaido scenery)
      1995, 80 y. (SG 2401)
    • Pryer's woodpecker (Sapheopipo noguchii) - Japanese noguchi-gera
      Ryukyu, 15/2/1966, 3 c.
      Madagascar, 16/9/1975, 25 f. (YT 567)
      25/11/1983, 60 y.
      Mongolia, 25/3/1987, 4 t.
  • Alcedinidae
    • Common kingfisher (Alcedo atthis bengalensis) - Japanese kawasemi
      1993, ?
    • Greater pied kingfisher (Megaceryle lugubris) - Japanese yamasemi
      13/1/1994, ?
      24/1/1994, ?
      1/8/2001, ?
      25/3/2002, ?
    • Ruddy kingfisher (Halcyon coromanda) - Japanese aka-shôbin
      1992, 62 y.
  • Cuculidae
  • Strigidae
    • Blakiston's fish-owl (Ketupa blakistoni blakistoni) - Japanese shima-fukurô
      1984, 60 y.
      23/7/1999, 50 y. (Hokkaido prefecture)
    • Ural owl (Strix uralensis) - Japanese fukurô
      8/10/1979, 100 y. (SG 1546)
    • Oriental scops owl (Otus sunia japonicus) - Japanese konoha-zuku
      18/9/1973, 20 y. (forest lane) (SG 1330)
      ?, 62 y. (Aichi prefecture)
  • Columbidae
    • Japanese wood pigeon (Columba janthina nitens) - Japanese karasu-bato
      1984, 60 y. (SG 1735)
    • Ryukyu wood pigeon (Columba jouyi) - Japanese ryukyu-karasu-bato
      2000, 80 y. (YT 2766)
    • Collared turtle dove (Streptopelia decaocto decaocto) - Japanese shirako-bato
      1/5/2000, ?
    • Rufous turtle dove (Streptopelia orientalis) - Japanese kiji-bato
      1963, 10 y.
      6/10/1981, 130 y.
      1992, 62 y.
  • Gruidae
    • Japanese crane (Grus japonensis) - Japanese tanchô
      1953, 10 y.
      1959, 10 y. (flying)
      1961, 100 y. (without Nippon)
      1966, 15 y.
      1966, 100 y. (with Nippon)
      1974, 20 y.
      1974, 20 y. (flying)
      1975, 20 y.
      1990, 62 y. (Hokkaido prefecture)
      1993, 62 y. (with chicks)
      1993, 62 y. (flock)
      2000, ? (Okayama prefecture) (YT 2769)
      2000, ? (Okayama prefecture) (YT 2772)
      2001, 80 y. (YT 2978)
      2001, 80 y. (YT 2979)
    • Hooded crane (Grus monacha) - Japanese nabe-zuru
      1991, 62 y.
    • White-naped crane (Grus vipio) - Japanese mana-zuru
      1993, 62 y.
  • Rallidae
  • Scolopacidae
  • Rostratulidae
  • Charadriidae
    • Snowy plover (Charadrius alexandrinus nihonensis) - Japanese shiro-chidori
      1994, 80 y. (préfecture ; Futamiura sea)
    • Little ringed plover (Charadrius dubius) - Japanese ko-chidori
      ?, 110 y. (SG 2223a)
  • Laridae
    • Black-tailed gull (Larus crassirostris) - Japanese umineko
      1965, 10 y.
      1991, 62 y. (SG 2162)
    • Tufted puffin (Fratercula cirrhata) - Japanese etopirika
      1992, 62 y.
      23/7/1999, 50 y. (Hokkaido prefecture)
    • Common guillemot (Uria aalge inornata) - Japanese umigarasu
      Liberia, 1971, 10 c. (Hokkaido scenery)
  • Accipitridae
  • Falconidae
  • Podicipedidae
  • Sulidae
  • Phalacrocoracidae
  • Ardeidae
    • Cattle egret (Bubulcus ibis coromandus) - Japanese ama-sagi
      1993, 62 y.
  • Threskiornithidae
    • Crested ibis (Nipponia nippon) - Japanese toki
      1960, 10 y.
      1981, 60 y.
      16/7/1999, 80 y. - This stamp features two toki (Youyou and Yangyang) given by China (YT 2597).
      16/7/1999, 80 y. - Kin, the last japanese toki (YT 2598).
  • Ciconiidae
    • Oriental stork (Ciconia boyciana) - Japanese kônotori
      1963, 10 y.
      1994, 50 y. (Hyogo prefecture)
      1999, 80 y. (YT 2660)
  • Procellariidae
  • Laniidae
    • Bull-headed shrike (Lanius bucephalus) - Japanese mozu
      1986, 60 y. (YT 1840)
      1998, 120 y. (SG 2223b ; YT 2417)
  • Corvidae
  • Muscicapidae
  • Paridae
    • Great tit (Parus major) - Japanese shijû-kara
      1971, 15 y.
      1997, 70 y. (SG 2220a)
    • Varied tit (Sittiparus varius) - Japanese yama-gara
      1948, 5 + 2,5 y. (au nid, nourrissant ses petits)
      1992, 72 y.
  • Hirundinidae
    • Barn swallow (Hirundo rustica) - Japanese tsubame
      12/12/1946, 1 y.
      Centrafrique, 20/5/1997, 430 f. (work of Hiroshige)
      Palau, 2/6/1997, 32 c.
      Guyana, 22/6/1999, 80 $ (work of Hokusai)
      Micronesia, 25/3/2002, 60 c.
      1/4/2003, 80 y.
    • Pacific swallow (Hirundo tahitica) - Japanese ryukyu-tsubame
      Ryukyu, 10/5/1966, 3 c.
  • Zosteropidae
    • Bonin islands white-eye (Apalopteron familiare hahashima) - Japanese meguro - Endemic to Ogasawara (Bonin) islands. Formerly classified with honeyeaters.
      1975, 20 y.
    • Japanese white-eye (Zosterops japonica) - Japanese mejiro
      1992, 50 y.
      13/1/1994, 50 y.
      24/1/1994, 50 y.
      24/1/1994, 50 y.
      Gambia, 20/5/1997, 5 d. (work of Hiroshige)
      Gambia, 20/5/1997, 25 d. (work of Hiroshige)
      21/4/2000, 50 y. (afforestation)
      Gambia, 17/4/2001, 5 d.
      1/8/2001, ?
      25/3/2002, ?
  • Sylviidae
    • Bush warbler (Cettia diphone) - Japanese uguisu
      196?, 10 y.
      1992, 41 y. (Fukuoka prefecture)
    • Japanese marsh warbler (Megalurus pryeri pryeri) - Japanese ô-sekka
      1984, 60 y.
  • Passeridae
    • Tree sparrow (Passer montanus saturatus) - Japanese suzume
      10/2/2003, ?
    • Russet sparrow (Passer rutilans rutilans) - Japanese nyûnai-suzume
      6/10/1999, 90 y. (SG 2639 ; YT 2665)
    • White wagtail (Motacilla alba) - Japanese haku-sekirei
      1/1/1875, ?
      19/5/2000 (features the stamp of 1875)
    • Japanese wagtail (Motacilla grandis) - Japanese seguro-sekirei
      Dominica, 31/8/1989, ? (japanese art)
  • Fringillidae
  • Emberizidae
    • Siberian meadow bunting (Emberiza cioides ciopsis) - Japanese hôjiro
      1/5/1964, 10 y.
      Bhutan, 10/3/2003, 90 n.