Where would you go in History? By Alex Plank Mrs. Goodwin’s class

My grandfather(who was a child during the 20s and remembers a lot), and whose father was alive during the time when the West only consisted of miles of farms and beautiful land, always told me stories about life growing up in Missouri on a ranch, explaining how he rode to school on his horse during wintry blizzards, talked to Indians, herded cattle across the state, tried to catch prairie dogs, and did many other exciting things that could have only taken place during that time of History. The 1920s weren’t very long ago, yet in Montana, they were extremely different from the 90s, the decade in which I grew up. (Areas such as Baltimore were much similar to today’s life.) Indians still freely roamed the great plains back then, and there were no shopping-marts, one hour photo-places, or fast food restaurants defiling the beautiful terrain of Missouri and Montana. My grandfather always shares stories about living next to Charles Marion Russell, the famous painter of the Wild West. Russell’s paintings showed many exciting scenes depicting Indians, and true cowboys and my Grandfather has them all over his house. If I could choose to go back to any time in History, I would go back to this time period. The time when the West was young was indeed a very exciting time in history.