
Thank you for opening my user page. My username is my second cat's name. Neelix is my first cat but the username was already taken so it is Anzef. Anzef is a name that has never been seen before. I made it up and it sounds like a song to the ears. Anzef means something but I won't tell...

Anzef is all about friendship and companionship. Courage isn't part of Anzef but audacity is if the outcome is apprehended even when not fully favourable. Anzef is all about trust, forgiveness, humbleness, and love in stereo. Anzef is my baby.

Neelix is my lion. He likes watching us from above, near the ceiling. He is the most affectionate cat I've ever known. He speaks to me in his language and I speak to him in my language but we do understand each other. Neelix is very obedient probably because he doesn't like to be reproved. If cats have souls then Neelix's soul would be very old.

My contribution to Wikipedia will be minimal but I hope to help others. I've known and used Wikipedia for years and I find the mission of Wikipedia very honourable. You use Wikipedia regularly? Then, have you ever consider making a donation? Wikimedia Foundation


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