I'm mentioning this now and here so nobody gets any ideas: I work for a company called D-CODE, and we have recently made the decision to slowly make a number of our non-confidential reports public. There is some very interesting and very relevant material in these reports, and I hope to be able to use the information we have in order to better this community.

I've read the guidelines about Conflict of Interest, and I decided to declare this interest now. I will guarantee that, to the best of my ability (and even then some), I will be maintaining a neutral POV on all bits of information that I source.

I hope this isn't coming out as standoffish; I really want to contribute here. And since I don't have nearly enough time on my hands to be anything more than a highly sporadic editor, I feel as if this is how I can serve the community best. Please tell me if you have any problems -- I understand from reading the guidelines that this can be controversial, and I didn't want to hide anything from you (mainly because I don't feel like I have to).

Keep up the good work, and I'm looking forward to finally being able to give back!