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First of all my thanks to WIKIPEDIA.ORG creator. The creator established a platform in which everyone shares their knowledge with this knowledge centre for all over the world.

My article consists the information regarding computers/classification of computers. just i request. please look into the matter and give appropriate information.

This information gives clear picture of computers till 2007 January.

Now-a-days a computer systems are coming with partitioned (also consisting Operating System i.e. Microsoft Vista).

I am interested in computers and I want to share/get knowledge regarding computers with my friends, with my college students and also with others(those who are interested in computers).

I am just sharing my knowledge about computer, what i studied about computer in my college life.

A computer is an electronic device which can accept, store data and instructions (programs) and process data as directed by the given instructions and output the information (processed data) in the desired form at a great speed. A computer consists the following:

I) Hardware II) Software III) Human ware

I) Hardware: The physical components which actually process data and produce output.

Hardware consists of the following components:

A) Input device B) CPU C) Output Device

A) Input Device: The device which is required to input data & instructions into the computer.

Examples: Keyboards, Mouse, Trackball And Space ball, Joysticks, Data Glove, Digitizers, Image Scanners, Touch Panels, Light Pens, Voice Systems, Etc B) Central Processing Unit (CPU): A CPU Consists The Following:

Main Memory, Arithmetic & Logic Unit, Control Unit, Secondary Storage Device and Processor(S) On Motherboard and Also Its Communication Connections.

Main Memory: memory is a part in computer which holds data and instructions. Arithmetic & Logic Unit (A.L.U): Computer should have a mechanism to make arithmetic calculations and logical comparisons of the given data.

Control Unit: A part which ensures that the instructions given are followed in the required sequence and also controls the other parts of the computer system such as A.L.U., memory, input and output devices.

Secondary Storage Device: these devices are used to storing data or information (text), instructions (programs), other kind of files(photos, audio, video, etc), etc for future use and help in their repeated use. These devices help in avoiding repeated operation of inputting data & instructions (programs) relating to the same problem.

C) Output Device: The device which is required to obtain the processed data and pass it to the user in required form.

Examples: Monitors (Screens), Printers, Sound Output Devices, Scanner (Act As Input As Well As Output), Web cam, Etc.

Memory, Arithmetic & Logic Unit And Control Unit Are Contained In One Unit Which Is Called "Central Processing Unit (C.P.U)".

The remaining devices such as input devices & output devices are called peripherals.

Hardware also consists of other kind of devices called secondary storage device.

II) Software: (without software hardware part of a computer is useless)

Hardware consists of only physical parts. Hardware parts of a computer cannot do anything on their own. They must be instructed to do work or solve a problem. Any work or a problem consists of data. Such data has be changed into required an useful form. Data required to solve a problem is called input. The method of converting the data into useful form is called processing. The result produced by processing the input is called output.

If we want to know or want to become expert in the computer field, then the words input, processing and output are basic terms used in understanding the subject of computers.

In order to make hardware part of a computer to solve a given problem, input data and the instructions to process such input data to produce a desired output should be given computer.

Instructions given to computer to make it ready for operation and to make use of the computer to solve problems are called software. Without software hardware part of a computer is useless.

Let assume, if we purchased a computer then that computer has only hardware parts no software. Hardware parts are Keyboard and Mouse (Input Devices), Monitor (Output Device) and CPU (Memory, Storage Devices (Hard Disk, Floppy Drive, CD-Rom Drive, etc)). Here this computer can’t be used because there is no software.

If we want to use this computer then we must have software on this computer system. Or we have to install software on this computer system.

For that we must know about software.

Note: But, Now-a-days Laptops/Desktop Systems are coming with in-built Operating System What is Software:

Set of instructions (programs) given to computer to make it ready for operation and to make use of the computer to solve domains (problems) is called software.

Software consists of the programs of instructions and data that define for the hardware the algorithms for solving problems. Operating systems and other systems software are ordinarily supplied by hardware vendors. The vast majority of application software is supplied by independent software vendors (ISVs).

-Harvey M.Deitel (Boston College)

Software can be two types:

1) System Software - Operating System, DBMS, etc

2) Applications Software - High level languages i.e. Java, C++, etc

1) System Software:

If we want to make the computer ready for use. Then we have to install system software i.e. operating system

What is an Operating System:

An operating system is a set of instructions (programs) which enable the computer to accept, process and output the information and control and coordinate the operations of all other devices connected to it are called operating system.

An operating system is a program that manages the computer hardware. It also provides a basis for application programs and acts as an intermediary between a user of a computer and the Computer Hardware.

                                                                                                                     -Peter b. Galvin

Mainframe operating systems are designed primarily to optimize utilization of hardware.

Personal Computer (PC) Operating Systems Support Complex Games, Business Applications and everything in between.

Handheld Computer Operating Systems are designed to provide an environment in which a user can easily interface with the computer to execute programs

The main purpose of an operating system is to provide an environment in which the user can execute programs.

Goals of operating system:

There are two goals. They are

a) Primary Goal: The Primary Goal of Operating System is to make the computer convenient to use.

b) Secondary Goal: The Secondary Goal is to use the Computer Hardware in an efficient manner.

After installing an operating system if we need to build application then we have to install application software i.e. High level language

2) Applicaiton Software :

High level language:

If we want to solve a problem then we must have special computer languages which enable the users (programmers or we(those who have basic knowledge of programming)) to prepare instructions to make use of computers for solving domains (problems) are called as high level languages.

Examples: C++, Java, COBOL, FORTRAN, Pascal, Small Talk, Ruby, Etc

Translator programs:

These are the instructions (programs) which are used to convert instructions in the high level languages to machine language which computers understand.


Assembler, Compiler, Interpretor, Linkers, Etc

Packages or Special Utility Programs:

These are special programs have been developed in High Level Languages which contain instructions (programs) for doing a particular type of processing by accepting data or other or etc. These kinds of programs are called as special utility programs or packages.


Ms-office, etc

III) Human ware :

Hardware and software are used by human beings (or we) who are specially trained in using them. Experts trained to different levels of technical skill of using computers are called Human ware.

A) System Analysts: The experts who can set up a whole system of computers and develop necessary software to fulfill a particular need of organizations (not only organizations, etc) are called systems analysts.

B) Programmers: The persons who assist systems analysts to develop programs required by a system and also develop programs independently to make use of computers are known as programmers.

C) Data Entry Personnel: The persons who just feed data and readymade programs to computers are data entry personnel.

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[Further information regarding computer(or classification of computer]

Why Microsoft released Microsoft Office


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First of all my sincere thanks to Microsoft Corporation and William Henry "Bill" Gates III.

One of the main factor/reason that Microsoft introduced Microsoft Office Package into Market is as follows.

Package  : Common requirement to all

Application  : Specific requirement

Initially in 1990's all applications are DOS based i.e. Character User Interface(CUI) means that at a time only one application can be executed.

Examples for Character User Interface Applications are:

Word Processor(Word Star), Spreadsheet(Lotus-123), DBMS(dbaseIII+), etc

Main Drawback of these CUI application is switching i.e. If we are working with word star file for text processing or etc and which also requires comparison table figures from lotus-123 file then we have to quit the word star application and switch to lotus-123 file vice versa.

May be innovative thought or specific requirement or etc

Microsoft Merged all applications(mentioned above) into one package called as "Microsoft Office" includes additional concept of Outlook Mail Service as a whole its a Graphical User Interface (GUI). But, anyway Microsoft Corporation Released Microsoft Office-97 on November 19, 1996.

Microsoft Office - 97 contains :

Microsoft Word - 97, Microsoft Excel - 97, Microsoft PowerPoint - 97, Microsoft Access - 97, Microsoft outlook - 97, etc

Since 1996 Microsoft Released different versions of Microsoft Office:

Microsoft Office - 97

Microsoft Office - 2000

Microsoft Office - XP/2002

Microsoft Office - 2003

Microsoft Office - 2007

Microsoft Office - 2010

Now MS Excel itself one Database. All organisations like small or big are depended on Microsoft Office Package for Publishing Reports,etc.

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Fight Between God's Creation vs Man's Creation


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Information providers: Repath Athyala and Ankaraj Marri

The information which we are going to describe is purely related to our soul/inner voice. In this context, we would like to discuss the The MAN i.e. The God's Creation as in the title is Human Being, the MACHINE being robot i.e. Man's Creation.

Prior to the original context i.e., Fight between God's Creation vs Man's Creation, we should ask ourselves some contrasting issues/questions? How many of us remember more phone numbers today (if we are a mobile phone user), when compared to our previous days when we did not use mobile phones or digital dairies? How often do we use calculators even for simple calculations?

Especially, compared to our childhood days, where we should not use any calculators in the class rooms. Again we should ask ourselves the question i.e., to what level of dependency did us/we get into..?

{My Perception - Ankaraj Marri}


This generation belongs to computer technology…but to what extent the computer world can be survive? No exact answer, but there is no limit ………eventually it depends on each individual… per my concern we will be fed up with this computer technology generation and will be back to basics which means that we follow our natural Indian techniques which we have inherited from our ancient gurus. Because: A Country may appear to be prosperous and advanced in every possible way; but if people of character, people of noble qualities, people with kind heart are not present in large numbers (but we can find these qualities in India, not only India but all over the universe), the decline and fall of that country is sure to come down/end. Vast and varied geography and enchanting scenic beauty do not constitute a nation. It is the people who constitute a nation. This is a truth known to the wise.



Human being (All the creatures including man on Earth/Water/Air/Sky) absorb oxygen & release carbon dioxide into nature and Plants (trees) - Plants create the majority of the oxygen through a process called photosynthesis. In this process plants use carbon dioxide, sunlight, and water to create energy. In the process they also create oxygen which they released into nature i.e., as per Hindu Dharma - nature is the creation of God - the five manifestations of nature namely Air, Water, Fire, Earth and Sky. Sunlight - Some oxygen is produced when sunlight reacts with water vapor in the atmosphere. Even though fish breathe under water they still breathe oxygen. Their gills extract the oxygen from the water. There is a lot of oxygen stored up in the oxide minerals of the Earth's crust. However, this oxygen isn't available for us to breathe. One of the biggest sources of oxygen is phytoplankton which is found near the surface of the ocean. (Phytoplankton are tiny little plants, but there are lots of them.)


Man created a lot of machines/electronic gadgets with his innovative approach but, as part of this approach man is destroying the plants which is impacting the survival of the man's life on the earth i.e., if there are no plants then there is no more oxygen on the earth ... then that is the end of the man’s life.

Note: Without oxygen we cannot survive even for a minute, so please imagine what will be the future life of the man?


Man absorbs oxygen & releases carbon dioxide and plants absorb carbon dioxide & release oxygen. This is the cycle of nature. But this cycle of nature is not running properly or unbalanced because man's innovative approach to create machines/electronic gadgets, in this process man is destroying the plants as well as firing the wood in return which releases carbon dioxide into nature. Now carbon dioxide ratio is more, but production of oxygen is less.

Reason is simple that the plants ratio is decreasing vastly.

{But as per this computer technology generation there is a danger to mankind as well as for all the creatures of this universe. Already it has crossed initial stage.}

Major Impacts:

1) Life span of person is reduced drastically.

2) Creation of new diseases

Actions points for mankind to balance the cycle of nature:

1) Too much technology is dangerous to mankind, so we should put limit, this is the primary duty/responsibility of every person who born on earth.

2) Stop deforestation

3) Plant trees

4) Human should think in such a way where we can save natural resources for improvement of technologies. This suggestion given by Shiva Krishna Sangineni (

As per above action points, we may prevent unbalance of cycle of nature, but not 100%. But we can balance the nature if we all work together.

What if, calculator/digital dairy/mobile phones stop functioning when we need them?

Many of us might have encountered a situation where our mobile phones switch off when we need its help. Surely the case, when we lost our mobile phones, along with it the contact phone numbers that are fed into it. In this situation, we can escape by typing the numbers instead of searching the name from the names list, at least for most frequently used numbers or most essential numbers if not for all numbers.

But the situation is more magnified when we compare with another device called robot (with artificial intelligence) or the computer. For the sake of discussion, both the computer and the human brain are immutable in their own spheres of competence and hence incomparable. This is to say, where a human brain excels – a computer may not and vice-versa and in some grey areas, both may or may not excel or even aware of its where-about let alone exactness.

In fact man has facilitated in the evolution of another man which is just like him in all manners but who may be enemy to this mankind’s tomorrow. The fact we should accept is that THIS OTHER MAN has no human ailments like fear, fatigue, pain, pleasure etc,. these are the natural beings weaknesses but strengths in our artificially made, non-genetic and evolved enemy as they are without adrenal glands or hypothalamus.

Would it be acceptable if we say, this computer revolution is leading mankind to dependability… the answer is as simple as YES when we are working with voluminous data and NO when we are working with simple calculations (in calculator perspective or mobile phone usage). Certainly the advantages are numerous as it has spread its tentacles to almost every field of knowledge right from the field of archaeology with carbon dating to predicting the probable date of birth of a child in the womb i.e. from the pre-historic ages to the future.

Thus, to conclude, as long as man appears to be the CONTROLLER of the utilities / tools / gadgets etc., made by him, it is advantageous.

So, too much of anything is dangerous and hence mankind is in search of limitations. So where are the limits of comparison, as the saying says:


   where are the LIMITS 
   which could LIMIT the LIMITS
   of this LIMITedly unLIMITed man
    with LIMITless endeavours.

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HSBC tag ling - Different people, different Views which repath's view Different minds, different Opinions.

Please reach out to repath for RPA or any help

Marri Ankaraj

Category:Awareness days