Ray Scobie (born 26-5-64) is a neurotic realist British artist(see the geocities site) who first came to notice as a repeated winner over a number of years of the Koestler Trust Awards described in the Guilty Pleasures Guardian article. Some of his work can be found at his artprofile site and one of his first patrons was Sir Stephen Tumim (former Inspector of Prisons) who wrote of Scobie in aNew Statesman article"He is perhaps the leading prison artist of the day.". Another supporter is the painter Maggi Hambling, who became a friend of Ray's when she opened the Koestler Exhibition of Arts from HM Prisons.

Although his work has included many commissions of pets and family portraits his work is more known for his earlier neurotic realism where his work looks as if it is seen through the spy hole on his prison door and his more recent work has included many seascapes of the west Lancashire coast where he now lives. --Angulimala28 (talk) 11:52, 22 June 2008 (UTC)