User:Aneesah abbas/sandbox


Learning mathematics in an applicatory way is fun that eventually leads to a productive way of learning. The first time I learnt the chapter trigonometry in my tenth class, I found it very difficult to understand the terms such as angle of elevation and depression and so on. I somehow managed to learn the concept but only theoretically. I never knew the practical use of it until recently where I was given an assignment to do a working model on any mathematics topic. When browsing for a working model, I found a working model named Clinometer.

What is clinometer edit


A clinometer is a tool to measure the angle of elevation. It is used to measure the height of any tall object such as an electric pole, a tree etc. It consists of a straw like structure through which the top/bottom edge of any tall object is focused.The straw like structure is fixed to a protractor which will be used to measure the angle of elevation/depression when the straw is focused at the top or bottom of the tall object. Once the angle of elevation/depression is measured, using the trigonometry ratios of tan,the height of the object can be calculated. Hence this working model is one of the application of trigonometry where in the students will be able to measure the height of any object applying the trigonometry concept and with the help of clinometer. Hence learning angle of elevation / depression using this tool could result in having a better understanding of the topic. Also students will not just be learning the concept but also it would enable them to apply the concept in their real life.

How to make a clinometer edit

Things required: a straw, protractor, string and bob/clay ball. 

➢ Step1: Tie the sting which is attached to the bob/clay ball to the straw. ➢ Step2: Make a hole in the centre edge of the protractor. ➢ Step3: Attach the protractor to the straw in a way that the string is made to hang in the front side of the protractor.

reference edit (2019). Making Maths: Clinometer. [online] Available at: [Accessed 27 Feb. 2019].
