Welcome on my user page

I am new in Wikipedia and therefore still learning, please let me know if I do mistakes!

I am a specialist in African culture, with a regional focus on Ghana, Togo and Benin. I did several years field research in East- and West-Africa. My special interests are African traditional religions and African arts.

With my warm regards--Andrimaja (talk) 14:47, 10 December 2013 (UTC)

This user is interested in Africa.

Today's motto...
We'll always have Paris.
Snake handling in Christianity
Snake handling in Christianity is a rite performed in several churches in the United States. Originating in rural Appalachia, the first instance of snake handling was seen about 1910. Pentecostal minister George Went Hensley was prominent in the early development of the rite. Practitioners commonly quote the gospels of Luke and Mark to support the practice. Practitioners are also encouraged to lay hands on the sick, speak in tongues, and occasionally drink poisons. This photograph, taken by the American photographer Russell Lee in 1946, depicts snake handling at the Church of God with Signs Following, a Pentecostal church in Lejunior, Kentucky.Photograph credit: Russell Lee; restored by Adam Cuerden
This user is European.
PhDThis user has a Doctor of Philosophy degree.
ANTHThis user's favourite subject is Anthropology.
ARTThis user's favourite subject is Art.