Well this is me im a Teenage Boy and i Have to Much things to share. I also have alot of questions that should be answered.

For Starters the reason it's andrewxxxsoto is because my Facts is Like Porn it should'nt Be Veiwed by the Younger Public. Well im a young Musician and i want to play better gigs other then Schools and Rehersal Studios. I did however have the chance to Perform on a higher stage Citywalk.

One thing that People do not know is that i've always wanted to be a actor i've always have a huntch that cting would be my Back-up Plan

Well other then that i love writing storys and talking alot im a serious gamer and my dreams is to own land and live in the country.

Well thank you for reading this Short Story of me

I also have a Myspace were People can reach me at [1]

-Andrew Soto