My Fitness pal


HW3 Health App


by:Andre Bernardo

I will be discussing the fitness app know as my fitness pal. My fitness pal is a free smartphone app / website that tracks diet and exercise to optimize results, which can include weight loss and weight gain. How this app works, users enter the name of a food or can even scan a barcode. There is a large database of over 5 million different kinds of food recorded so you can even look something up and find the exact caloric value of what you are eating at a given time. When using this app it is important to know that there is a minimum intake of 1200 calories per day for men. My fitness pal also has a lard database filled with different types of exercises, I have personal found that some of these exercises are listed more than once but it is important to know that this repation has purpose. The exercises that are listed more than once vary with different speeds and intensities providing different utility through that workout. As far as app input in regards to exercise a user is able to enter the time spent working out including all cardio and lifting exercises and the app will output the amount of calories burned. Personally I have found this is the most valuable tool for this app. The reason is because every workout that is performed for a given body part will be different. An example would be something like a leg workout over and arm workout. Legs make up about 65 percent of the body's muscle weight. With that being said it would be impossible to compare an intense leg workout with and arm workout. The big difference is not only in muscle size but in calories burned. This is an awesome feature because you are able to find out the exact numerical value of calories burned for a given days workout. With these accurate numbers you are able to maximize your results. As far as using the 8 Golden rules to judge this app it is as followed. Consistency- There is alot of consistency with this app. everything for the inputs of food to the selection of workouts. It is so easy to use and figure out because of great consistency. Shortcuts- there are more than enough shortcuts when using the app witch leads me to conclude why i enjoy using it so much. You can navigate every page quickly and efficiently. Informative feedback- as listed there is no lack of feedback. Dialog to yield closure- also as listed. Offer simple error handling- the only bug i was able to find was that men had to at lease consume 1200 calories, this can be bypassed but that was the only thing you could possible mess up, the app is fools proof as far as user error handling. Permit easy reversal- editing any type of input is quite easy. All you have to do if go to your log and correct and wrong input. Reduce short term memory loss- I feel that is app for all the things it keeps track of and all the things it does, this is as simple as it can possible get. To conclude the only problem i have with this app is that men have to eat at least 1200 calories. I understand the reasoning behind why this is a set minimal caloric intake but you should have full freedom to input what ever caloric intake you want.