Analystoori 06:41, 2 November 2007 (UTC)Riaz Ali Toori Malana Morokhel Parachinar Kurram AgencyAnalystoori 06:33, 2 November 2007 (UTC)−°…Malana is a small village of Kurram Agency Parachinar. It is situated towards North of the main city of Parachinar. Parachinar is the capital of Kurram Agency where the Political Administration offices are located. Village Malana is divided into two parts by a small rainy canal called Malana Horr remain dry throughout the year but during rainy season the rainy water flow through Malana Horr. Malana Horr at end meets Kurram River called Darya-i-Kurram. The Malana Horr begins from Koh-i-Safid, a very famous mountain of the area that meets with Torra Borra, which is famous for War on Terror. Kohi-Safid behind green hills of Parachinar on which throughout the year snow remains un melted. The snow season start with beginning of December and longed until March. Malana village is famous for its height and beauty of the Parachinar. In British regime, the Malana hills received great importance due to its beauty and they constructed a hilly picnic station on the top of hill named CHAPARI rest house is still under the care of Political Administration. The Village Malana is famous for its big and beautiful stones and called SANG-i-MALANA means Stones of Malana. Malana where is rich in greenery, beautiful hills stones is also rich of pleasant pure spring transparent water. There are a number of clean sweet and transparent water in village Malana. On the right side of Malana Horr is situated Main Bus stop called Hazrat Ghazi Abbass Alamdar(a.s) Ziarat stop. At stop is a holy tomb of the younger brother of Hazrat Imam Hussain (a.s) the Hazrat Abbas Alamdar (a.s) who scarified his life at the desert of Karballa as faithful companions of Imam Hussain (a.s). Most of the population of Malana village is Shia Muslim. Next to Hazrat Abbas (a.s) tomb stop start a sloppy green and very charming area and end at Liwankhel a smal sub village of Malana where the plane area end and hills starts. In the way from Ziarat Stop to Liwan Khell is Sub Village Start Kalay, Kasa located between hills and Malana Horr.

On the left side of Malana Horr is Village Morokhel which is subdivided into Gholi Khel also called Najeeb Ostad Kaly ( the name is renewed due to the cordial contributions in the social development and solution of social problems of the village of a government school teacher named Mr.Najeeb Ali younger brother of Mr.Sattar Ali a famous one of the area), Abdul Kheel and Hamza Khell. These three are small villages situated between Malana Horr on right side and a small Hill. On the top of hill is a tomb of a SAINT Syed Abbass jan Syed who was a great spiritual person of the area have many more followers with strong affiliations toward himself.

Toward south of village Morokhel is LAAR KALAY the word LAAR means Lower as its situated some in lower of village Malana. The sources of income of the village MALANA are forming; Government Services and most of the people work in Middle East. On the West of MALANA, a small village named KORIZGAI a sub village of MALANA situate just in the lap of green beautiful hills and on the East in Kharpochi. As a whole geographically village MALANA is situate towards the North of main city at 3KM of Parachinar, toward East is famous village ZERAN, on west Luqmankhell is situated and toward north are green hills that end at SPIN GHAR Kohi sfaid(WHITE MOUNTAIN). The only tribe lives here is TOORI a very much famous tribe of PARACHINAR Kurram Agency who conquered this area for living due to its beauty and rich in cultivation. Sub Sections of TOORI tribe MOROKHEL, HAMZAKHELL, and SPINKHELL are living in village Malana.