California, USA

Amp Rjb was born in 1982 to a humble family as the 6th of 7 children. With his father as a salesman, they moved frequently in order to earn enough cash to support the large family. Amp Rjb, consequently, spent most of his youth moving every 2 to 3 years across the Western United States.

After he got married to the love of his life in 2005, Amp Rjb and his wife continued their wander lust into parts of California, Utah, and eventually several states in New England. During this time, however, a college education had been put on hold, and in about 2007, they realized that there was no real future without it. So, at that time, they moved back to the West to complete their Bachelor's Degrees.

Now, having graduated in Business Management, Amp Rjb finds joy in creating and growing businesses. His entrepreneurial spirit, mixed with a dash of gypsy blood, gives him the passion to go from one project to another every 2-3 years. He tries to make each business the best he can make it before the winds change, and it's time to move on to the next project.
