People's republic of Toker

Capital city: Palestoker President-Jayden Kyle Toker Vice President-Ricky Toker Secretary-Andy Toker National animal-Tokemon National flag-Whatever Ricky drew National language-Tokanese National food-potatoker National drink- toka Cola Geographic coordinates- somewhere between Hawaii and United States Ethnicticity-half American ,half Asian Famous celebrities-Samuel et'oker National phobia-Tokaphobia (fear of being called twok twok) Currency-Tsoken Discrimination against the Tokanese-Twokism Past leaders-Metin Toker National Anthem- Intiate the Toker

History 0-1889

Barbarians invaded the small island precisely at around 0 years. These barbarians lived in peace on the island, alongside others animals living on the island, including Tsong Tsongs, the most elusive animals on the island

1890-2001 Japanese sailors on a voyage of discovery with the first known civilized humans in the island. These Japanese settlers conquered the island, enslaving the native barbarians. The oppressed barbarians were suffering until Jayden Toker, hero of men, lead a revolution against the Japanese for the independence of the People's Rebublic of Toker. Jayden Toker eventually defeated the Japanese single handedly with the help of his pet Tsong Tsong.

World War 2 Since the island was a Japanese colony, the tokanese fought with nazis and numerous military bases from the war can be found around the island

Present Day The People's Rebublic of Toker is now run by the hero of men Jayden Toker and has given free ice tea and popcorn to every citizen of the land