The person I inspire


She is an American actress, singer and with a good personality, best known for playing Alex Russo, the main characteristics in the Emmy Award winning television series Wizards of Waverly Place. Her name is Selena Gomez born in 1992 July 22. This girl inspires me a lot, I really like her work, she has done many jobs that not even big important people did. She is every girls dream, even I myself dreams to be like her one day. I love her style and her way of living.

Apart from her acting career, I also learn to know that she is a designer of her own. How impressive? She started all this while she was a teenager , though most teenager tends to throw their lives away instead of doing something useful and productive for their own future. I never saw her designers but am sure their great, because she is a talented hard working girl.

At the age of 17 she worked with UNICEF she as an ambassador of children in Africa. So she traveled to Ghana in 2009 for a week to witness vulnerable children that lack vital necessities including clean water, education and health care. In her interview she said something that made me love her even more and I quote she said that"I feel honored to have a voice that kids listen to and take into consideration."

Further more her songs are also inspiring especially the hit who says.She mentioned that "who says you are not perfect and who says you are not worth it"? Meaning she is telling people to be who they are and never to change for anyone else.we are all unique in our own way.

Selena Gomez is my number one role model and I wish to meet her one day.She is a good example and anyone can learn a good lesson from her. She must never give up her work, I am really proud of her and I love her with all my heart. If it wasn't for her then I am probably a copycat that doesn't do anything on her own. But she thought me not to be that person, and for that I will never forget her.

